I have been bingewatching The House of Cards last weekend,
a netflix show about political agenda in the US of A.
Then yesterday the swedish prime minister stood up for his budget plan by saying to the people that he was calling for a new election. It´s due for march 22. Right ?!
- I feel panic about this government crisis says a young female in class.
Then a grandmother comes into the room and says
- Don´t you worry, we the people have voted for the politicians to handle our stuff.
Let them handle it.
(there is new fasciscism going into our swedish democracy writes Ola in the newspaper)
When you got a problem:
if you know what to do about it, don't worry.
if you don't know what to do about it, don't worry.
Dalai Lama
"insert video"
Let it be sang by the Paul McCartney, Live Aid 1985, 15 july..
onsdag 3 december 2014
tisdag 25 november 2014
the house inside a greenhouse
what fascinate me is this house build inside a greenhouse
by family solvarm Naturhuset i Sikhall, Sweden
an english word for it is sky house. Accurate? IDK
I´d like one house like that to have medeterranian temperature although its snowy winter and it´s good för to electric bill when it is such good keeping the heat and the house get protected from weather and wind safely inside the glass made greenhouse shield.
A home where to grow vegetables and fruits and be well.
The house in Sikhall is open for visitors so I know what I might do next summer
by family solvarm Naturhuset i Sikhall, Sweden
an english word for it is sky house. Accurate? IDK
I´d like one house like that to have medeterranian temperature although its snowy winter and it´s good för to electric bill when it is such good keeping the heat and the house get protected from weather and wind safely inside the glass made greenhouse shield.
A home where to grow vegetables and fruits and be well.
The house in Sikhall is open for visitors so I know what I might do next summer
torsdag 9 oktober 2014
Happy birthday John
John Lennon he was something else. A wonderful musician. He walked the earth 40 years, then that dreadful day December, 8th 1980 a weapon ended it. #Stop making guns in the name of love. Imagine a world free where it is war off, peace on.
Song Mind Games
Artist John Lennon
Artist John Lennon
lördag 13 september 2014
What is art?
It is a good question. Some questions just are there and have thousand billion of different answers to them. Yesterday I was at a vernissage on Gocart (it stands for Gotland Contemporary Art) it oould also be short for Go c art (Go and see art). There was a performance by Dryckesbröderna, two female artists in the making. They told about their travelling around the small island of Gotland, Sweden between cheers "skål".
Here's their homepage
http://dryckesbroderna.tumblr.com The drinking brothers (in swedish)
So i figured to tell some travelling story too. I have taken some pictures of my time on Gotland as well.
Here's on my way to Art-school looking at the clouds.
Passing by ringmuren. It is a photo of the reality so it is not art is it? If I made a painting of this wall thingy would it become art then? Who knows?
Here's their homepage
http://dryckesbroderna.tumblr.com The drinking brothers (in swedish)
So i figured to tell some travelling story too. I have taken some pictures of my time on Gotland as well.
Here's on my way to Art-school looking at the clouds.
Passing by ringmuren. It is a photo of the reality so it is not art is it? If I made a painting of this wall thingy would it become art then? Who knows?
The world is art - the word is art
fredag 5 september 2014
Freddie Mercury
When I think of a Queen song, the song that comes into mind is Bohemian Rhapsody, iconic harmonies and the wonderful singing master. I recorded that song from the radio on a tape when a was little. Today was Freddie Mercury's birthday. No more amongst the living but his songs will live on for all time.
I love the small song too Love of my life. The guitar play by Brian May on this tune is great to hear.
"Don't stop me now" is also a wonderful song and that it then the line continues 'cause I'm having such a good time.
Fabulous muzic. Full of life, stories, harmony.
I should stop writing now. Leave on a high note. It just gets to me that my uncle had the same, not the same? similar, fatal ending to his life as Freddie. That disease is so real and so many get it and it's important to acknowledge it. Jonas Gardell has written a book about the early 70's in Stockholm "Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar" - don´t swipe off the tears without gloves on. It got to be film 2012 by director Simon Kaijser. That got to me. Spoiler alert... characters dying.
There is a more aware society nowadays perhaps. Stay safe. I will.
"Only the good one die young" what song is that?
I love the small song too Love of my life. The guitar play by Brian May on this tune is great to hear.
"Don't stop me now" is also a wonderful song and that it then the line continues 'cause I'm having such a good time.
Fabulous muzic. Full of life, stories, harmony.
I should stop writing now. Leave on a high note. It just gets to me that my uncle had the same, not the same? similar, fatal ending to his life as Freddie. That disease is so real and so many get it and it's important to acknowledge it. Jonas Gardell has written a book about the early 70's in Stockholm "Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar" - don´t swipe off the tears without gloves on. It got to be film 2012 by director Simon Kaijser. That got to me. Spoiler alert... characters dying.
There is a more aware society nowadays perhaps. Stay safe. I will.
"Only the good one die young" what song is that?
torsdag 4 september 2014
art and culture, I don't know
The lecturer gave the class the assignment of making out a "kulturmanifest" a pamphlet of culture like the Futurists used to do daily. To think about what is culture, what is art and so on.
Art is for humanity. There always will be culture, art and poetry because its the way to communicate feelings amongst each other. It a pity that its so much workers in the culture section that doesn't get paid, its like in Sweden a few "famous" wellpaid workers in the culture while there are thousands of artists that struggle, unknown to the public, not getting a decent pay of the day, having to take other jobs to get by. Why is it so? The culture that humanity thrives upon, that is so important is for but a few to get by on when there are so many others standing in line, not just waiting but fighting for to get a place in the spotlight not getting any space because of the media covering but a few shining stars.
It's a lucky few that have become someone known to the public.
Kevin Spacey on crucial Impact of the Arts (YT-vid sett 3 sept 2014) Kev talade om det på Art Advocacy day 2011. I made a small transcript and a worse translation to swedish. Art and culture is for one and all.
In a world that gets smaller by the hour there has to be culture and freedom to the artists
"Art and creativity is one of the most signifikant ways that humanity uses to fight against and lift itself out of the muck the dirt and the grind and the horror and the unfairness of political persecution, rasist attack, hatred, intolerance and downright cruelty but luckily to support our cause there have been a long and distinguished line of some of the most important figures in the united states and the world political history who have managed to lay a rest... eloquent work
pres Kennedy. as well as in the arts.
"..there is a connection hard to explain logically but easy to feel between achievement in public life and the progress in arts the age of Lorenzo ... was also the age of Leonardo Da Vinci. The age of Elizabeth was also the age of Shakespeare. In America artists quite often contribute not to our size but to our spirits not to our political beliefs but to our insight not to our self-esteem but to our self comprehension.
There is the great poet Robert Frost who saw poetry as the means to save power from itself when power corrupts, poetry cleanses for art establishes basic human truth. which must serve as the touchstone for our judgement we must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda it is a form of truth. the highest duty of the writer, the composer, the artist is to remain true to themselves and let the chips fall where they may and the nation obtains mission of art invites the fade of having nothing to look back to with pride and nothing to look forward to with hope.
I look forward to an america that will not be afraid of grace and beauty. I look forward to an america which will steadily race the standards of artistic accomplishment and enlarge cultural opportunities for all of our citizens and I look forward to an america that commands the respect throughout the world not only for its strength but for its civilisation. I see little of more importance to this country that its future and our civilisation than the full recognition of the place of the artist."
1933 Eleanor Roosevelt. Artist unemployed.A bill passed in congress national culture act. Eisenhower. 1958.
The create industry important for industry, import/export. in the US
many art institutes are suffering today Act now for the culture and art to not be diminished.
president Kennedys ord på svengelska
det finns en länk som är svår att förklara logiskt men lätt att känna mellan framgång i offentligheten och den rörelse i konsten i Lorenzos tidsålder som också var tiden för Leonardo Da Vinci. Elizabeths tidsålder var detsamma som Shakespeares. I Amerika har konstnärer ofta bidragit inte till storlek men till spirit, inte till politiska åsikter men till vår insikt inte till vår självkänsla men till vår själv kännedom. Den store poeten Robert Frost såg poesi som det sätt att rädda makten från sig själv när makten är korrupt, poesin rensar för konst etablisserat en grund för den humana sanningen. som måste serve as the touchstone för vårt tanke måste vi aldrig glömma att konsten är inte en form av propaganda utan en form av sanning. Den högsta tjänsten för författaren, kompositören, konstnären är att de förblir sanna mot sig själva och låter chipsen falla var de vill och nationen obtains en konstagenda som bjuder in de som har inget att se tillbaka på med stolthet och intet att se tillbaka på med hopp. (Sen är det amerikanskt) var inte rädd för grace och skönhet. Jag ser fram emot .. ett land som stadigt höjer standarden för konstnärliga utsmyckningar och förstorar kulturella opportunister för alla invånare och I ser fram emot ett land som kommenderar respekt genom världen inte bara för dess styrka utan för dess samhälle. Det finns litet som är mer viktigt för detta land att dess framtid och vår befolkning än ett fullt erkännande av konstnärens plats.
torsdag 14 augusti 2014
I searched what to do
... and this is what a buisness man would do.
"You know the logic we were told always to follow:
Analyze the prospective market and choose segments with the highest potential return.
Develop and optimize a plan for success.
Calculate the costs of achieving it.
Proceed down the most efficient path possible.
While it makes enormous sense in a predictable setting—say a booming economy—it doesn’t in the face of the unknown because you simply don’t know what could happen. If you use this logic there all you end up doing is making projections…on assumptions… that are contingent on guesses.
That’s just silly.
So, what do you do?
Use the model of Act. Learn. Build. Repeat." (Taken from Forbes webpage)
"You know the logic we were told always to follow:
Analyze the prospective market and choose segments with the highest potential return.
Develop and optimize a plan for success.
Calculate the costs of achieving it.
Proceed down the most efficient path possible.
While it makes enormous sense in a predictable setting—say a booming economy—it doesn’t in the face of the unknown because you simply don’t know what could happen. If you use this logic there all you end up doing is making projections…on assumptions… that are contingent on guesses.
That’s just silly.
So, what do you do?
Use the model of Act. Learn. Build. Repeat." (Taken from Forbes webpage)
- And what are you gonna do?
- I dunno, I dunno
- Tell a tale, make a business plan, do a comic, make a dream come true,
- I don't have a plan, I got studies, that is learning and that is taking time whatever
I got no time for this shite.
- Let's find a man and get done with it, thats a plan...
- O er, no time for that dream on babe
I got no time for this shite.
- Let's find a man and get done with it, thats a plan...
- O er, no time for that dream on babe
To be Continued...
buisness plan,
dream on,
sing for the moment,
work in progress
tisdag 12 augusti 2014
A funny man passed away
11 august 2014 Robin Williams
He was something else in Good Will Hunting(1997), the psychiatrist role that gave him that Oscar award. I saw some of the comic genious that was mr Williams as he was interviewed in Inside the Actors studio by James Lipton. The actor was a funny man being inteviewed. He was actor in One hour photo(2002) and making all sorts of voices as the Genie in Disney's Aladdin(1992). The first film that I reckon have seen him in though is Good morning Vietnam(1987), he owned the part as a fast talking radio reporter.
It was sad news to hear about him passing today because he has given me as well as many others some laughs through the years. Crying from laughter and now as the tragedy sinks in there are prayer for those who have hard times, believe that there comes sunshine. I will.
My top 3 Robin Williams films:
1989 - Dead poet's society
1998 - Patch Adams
1998 - What dreams may come
He was something else in Good Will Hunting(1997), the psychiatrist role that gave him that Oscar award. I saw some of the comic genious that was mr Williams as he was interviewed in Inside the Actors studio by James Lipton. The actor was a funny man being inteviewed. He was actor in One hour photo(2002) and making all sorts of voices as the Genie in Disney's Aladdin(1992). The first film that I reckon have seen him in though is Good morning Vietnam(1987), he owned the part as a fast talking radio reporter.
It was sad news to hear about him passing today because he has given me as well as many others some laughs through the years. Crying from laughter and now as the tragedy sinks in there are prayer for those who have hard times, believe that there comes sunshine. I will.
My top 3 Robin Williams films:
1989 - Dead poet's society
1998 - Patch Adams
1998 - What dreams may come
Dead poets society,
good morning vietnam,
good will hunting,
inside the actors studio,
James Lipton,
patch adams,
robin williams,
what dreams may come
fredag 27 juni 2014
Uplifting news
- I am appalled by the GMO its gene manipulated organisms everywhere in front my eyes because I am studying it as a subject for now. Did you know that most of the corn and cotton and farmers in the US of A is making GMO crops?
- No thats old news they've done it for years.
- But now it has been shown the effect on the habitat around, the more pesticides and the GMO spreads into the wild and the bugs, insects evolve and its all a nature chaos caused by humans again. Thought we were doing good with richer food by manipulating it but it has a effect of giving blood diseases. It is no good.
- Tomorrow it will be forgotten
- Well at least I can read about it here later on.
-You think so? Never go back my friend. Never look back.
- Only look forward to that world going to the inevitable doomsday? Like the Vikings called it Ragnarök. or in english Rag-na-roek. If there was a way to you know to do something.
Have you ever heard of such a thing? uplifting news? There was once a band called Bad news.
- No thats old news they've done it for years.
- But now it has been shown the effect on the habitat around, the more pesticides and the GMO spreads into the wild and the bugs, insects evolve and its all a nature chaos caused by humans again. Thought we were doing good with richer food by manipulating it but it has a effect of giving blood diseases. It is no good.
- Tomorrow it will be forgotten
- Well at least I can read about it here later on.
-You think so? Never go back my friend. Never look back.
- Only look forward to that world going to the inevitable doomsday? Like the Vikings called it Ragnarök. or in english Rag-na-roek. If there was a way to you know to do something.
Have you ever heard of such a thing? uplifting news? There was once a band called Bad news.
måndag 9 juni 2014
The people's poet
A cameraman has filmed Rik Behind the scenes during the shooting of Murder
Mysteries: The White knight Stratagem (2001)
Rik has a smoke and speak to the cameraman after a girl has fixed his hair.
Rik has a smoke and speak to the cameraman after a girl has fixed his hair.
Rik - What you fuckin do?
Cameraman - Dunno
Rik - You don't know. Viewers. You don't know who
the cameraman is.
Cameraman - Noone..
Rik - You dont know why you are being made to see
these things? Nor do I. You're seeing me, I can't even see
you. I may be dead By
the time you watch this, very possible are, you dont know who's the man who's
making things he wants you to see. Destroy your television set now. You must
listen to no orders. That's all I
can tell you at this point of humanity.
Believe me
Girl - ..there
Rik - Did that sound pretentious?
Girl - Really quite
Cameraman - I
didn't really understand it.
When the comedy giant Rik Mayall passed away 9 june 2014 I saw it as a duty to find out who s that man? Why does he get so much attention? Now that he is dead. And surely enough I soon found out that its the pass of a great actor and history changer, a part of comedy history in Brittain mostly. The Alan B'stard character thaught me that Rik was playing with the politics through being an utter bastard. At the time Margaret Thatcher was in power of the UK and she did badly so to have this Alan B'stard character shine a light upon the schemes that are happening behind the curtains of parliament was a groundbreaker for brittish public. A mean bastard wouldn't go far in the swedish comedy - we love the happy faces, the really queer things. But Sweden is a small town compared to Brittain.
I come from little Sweden
so it was to my delight to see the Rik Mayall in a video short with the swedish
comedy elite in an ABBA spoof video during the Eurovsion 2004. As foreigners
you don't recognize Robert Gustafsson as Rik’s assistant. Sissela
Kyle(legendary swedish comedy woman) as the telephonista. You might recognize
Mikael (who has reached global famousity for being in the Millenium trilogy)
sitting in the sofa next to Cecilia Frode(wonderful swedish comedy woman). As
swedes we laugh at just seeing Robert Gustafsson because he has always pulled
faces through his long fruitful career(mind you he is Swedens today greatest
comedy man). The Loa Falkman(royal opera singer) also joins in the ABBA tribute
as coach for the puppetshow. I saw The ABBA tribute video feauturing Rik Mayall and then because of that Rik Mayall presents Dancing Queen(1993),
he did with Helena Bonham Carter amongst other chums. Followed by the tv-program of Rik Mayall presents Micky Love(1993) the depraved the alcoholic the horrible nothing at all like that sweet character Neil in Dancing Queen. 1995 there was also Rik Mayall presents Briefest Encounter,
I love the Rik Mayall presents films its a great body of work and the man has gotten the opportunity to play very different personas or some what versions of himself. Thats what actors do. They do versions of oneself. You cant obliterate yourself ever. You got yourself to live with until the day you die.
Through his
career Rik Mayall have openly in his plays talked about death a great deal. It’s
all fine because he's not dead at the time then at the Bottom Live 4 “An arse Oddity” tour
when they bury the parrot its all so funny.
The young ones(1982-1984) But as he was
the poet Rich he did have the speech of if he did pass away the kids would say
the poets dead but how can he be dead when we still have his poems? As a matter
of fact deeply human feelings gets touched upon with light heart twinkle in the
eye becase you have to have a laugh in life whatever there is to it?
I love the Comic strip films also. Fistful of travellers cheques(1984) is this example, its like a spoof of Good, bad and Ugly or any Clint Eastwood western. Rik plays a western film lover in cosplay throughout on holiday.
The Comic strip gang have done a number of films through the year, mostly of them half films, but some long films as well. Each film holding its own theme, whether it'd be War(1983) with some american accents, The Beat generation(1983) in black and white or Summer school(1983) crazy caveman style
The kids stories he did as well. Grim tales at the same time as he was The new statesman(1987-94). Storytelling of childrens books
he was great at. Must have, could have practiced that with his own kiddies or
was he such a characterdriven person private too? He did have a quiet side.
Like we all do. Who in the heck would be so energetic always? One thing I don’t
like about him is the smoking. I just dont care for smokers. Otherwise he
seemed great. Read in the news today that Michael Douglas tries to get his wife
Catherine Zeta jones to give up smoking. That is brave. Smoking is hard to get
rid of as it gets to become a part of you but people can stop, its just to
stop by making the decision to do so. Decide for yourself what you want to do.
Now I come to the very odd conclusion that I cannot appreciate smokers body of
work because of the fact that they smoke? Then I would have to say goodbye to
all the greats I liked before Leslie Howard, Bobby Darin, heck that Babe ms
Henrietta. Bette Davis I meant she was in bondage film long time ago with
Leslie Howard, what about Olivia? what about her name was I see her so clearly
being interviewed by Dave Letterman or Johnny Carson? Long time no seen. She(Bette Davis) did a great impact on me. and the way she talked about the different time and
age that she was a virgin when she got married and to get married is not for
that. its for the companionship. it is for the family values. I like that Rik
did not become a sell out. He held his private life private. That is important
to decide upon in the beginning of a career. The public gets nothing of me but only
my character. And then the interviewers try to get the personal out there. The
juice is all they want.
All I want is
the comedy. More shows. More of the performer. It does not matter what he does
on a everyday basis but the performance yes sir. Give me another show. Give me
another year. Give me another laugh. Give me. What can I give to you?
transcript of part of Rik Mayalls speech getting a doctorate at University of Exeter in 2008
“Failed to go
to drama exams. One 11+ 3 O levels and a doctorate. No wait, unbelivable. Imagination and charity. Now my young friends it is Time to start enjoy your
life. Start celebrating ur success. In the real nasty sexy world out there. In
return five mantras to carry with you through your lifes What helped me to
survive be happy. Not only to survive but to be happy. All men are equal
therefore noone can ever be your genuine superior. 2 it is your future it is
yours to create. your future is as bright as you make it. 3 Change is a
constant of life so you must never ever loose your wisdom your wisdom that you
nurtured and enriched here at Exeter university 4 If you want to live a full
and complete human life you have to be free. Freedom is paramount 5 Love is the
answer. So my friends there's my present to you, you just make sure you always
got those five things Equality, Opportunity, Wisdom, Freedom and Love, yeah?
(repeat) and you'll be alright, with that and a little bit of good luck. so good
luck, congratulations and good luck my young friends, you go out there and have
yourself a fucking good life. Bon voyage my young friends. Bon voyage.”
onsdag 28 maj 2014
Ah, European Union what have you voted for?
I am writing about the swedish POV
This morning on the television a panel of entertainment talked about the results of the vote, that it is a rememberable front page of the evening newspaper that shows a photograph of the FI party with a yes on the left side and a photograph of the SD party with a No! on the right side. FI stands for human rights you may say and is all for gender equality and will fight for the female paychecks to rise up to the mens paycheck. SD stands for nationality and they have accountants that do counting on the travellers into the country and I think SD also wants to have more borders to the nation so the nation can take care of itself. The evening newspaper said Yes to that FI party of humanity got places into the EU as well as a big No to that SD, the nationalist party got places into the EU. I would have voted FI of course. Because I am worried about these nationalists that come through because it is mostly angry young men and have they really thought it through?
I see a lack of humanity. It all goes so fast and you want things now, now now. If we all got what we wanted now, what else is there to wish for?
The panel on the morning television talk about the lack of an entertainment parti in the EU - European Union - like, I wonder does any country/ United States have an entertaiment guided parti? There are the right and the left and the ones in between. An entertainment party would get many voters because the theatre, books, litterature, films, music, tv is a part of everyones life. Wouldn´t that be great?
But the politics is all about the money.
I wish the capitalists would come to their senses and realize that there is more to life than money.
There is food and environment. What will one extra coin in your pocket do for you when the food you eat is poisoned by antibiotics or that bees died so the food production stopped because we can not get any grains if not nature pollinates and if it not rains in the right place. Where are the clouds? Where do they come from? It is said that they forms over the rainforest. part of them does. Save the rainforest then.
This morning on the television a panel of entertainment talked about the results of the vote, that it is a rememberable front page of the evening newspaper that shows a photograph of the FI party with a yes on the left side and a photograph of the SD party with a No! on the right side. FI stands for human rights you may say and is all for gender equality and will fight for the female paychecks to rise up to the mens paycheck. SD stands for nationality and they have accountants that do counting on the travellers into the country and I think SD also wants to have more borders to the nation so the nation can take care of itself. The evening newspaper said Yes to that FI party of humanity got places into the EU as well as a big No to that SD, the nationalist party got places into the EU. I would have voted FI of course. Because I am worried about these nationalists that come through because it is mostly angry young men and have they really thought it through?
I see a lack of humanity. It all goes so fast and you want things now, now now. If we all got what we wanted now, what else is there to wish for?
The panel on the morning television talk about the lack of an entertainment parti in the EU - European Union - like, I wonder does any country/ United States have an entertaiment guided parti? There are the right and the left and the ones in between. An entertainment party would get many voters because the theatre, books, litterature, films, music, tv is a part of everyones life. Wouldn´t that be great?
But the politics is all about the money.
I wish the capitalists would come to their senses and realize that there is more to life than money.
There is food and environment. What will one extra coin in your pocket do for you when the food you eat is poisoned by antibiotics or that bees died so the food production stopped because we can not get any grains if not nature pollinates and if it not rains in the right place. Where are the clouds? Where do they come from? It is said that they forms over the rainforest. part of them does. Save the rainforest then.
torsdag 1 maj 2014
Actually meditation
- It´s a New Age thing.
- No, it isn't, its as old as time itself.
- I disagree it is flower power stuff
- Are you kidding me?
- Well isn't it?
- Meditation is to be aware of the present, now, be kind to yourself and others. It has ethics that you should follow too
- Yeah that sounds like flower power oohh meditate hear the bell ring
- Will you shut your face, if you are to misbehave I will not speak to you. (did I say that out loud?)
- Feisty, here take a joint.
- I don't smoke, it is mere toxic... I think I feel about smoking the same way you feel about meditation dear. The opposite attract - attend - attention - attraherar? (translation needed)
Meditation is a new age thing like flower power is it not?
No it's an old way from before our time counting to become aware, to reach the enligthenment and Nirvana
- No, it isn't, its as old as time itself.
- I disagree it is flower power stuff
- Are you kidding me?
- Well isn't it?
- Meditation is to be aware of the present, now, be kind to yourself and others. It has ethics that you should follow too
- Yeah that sounds like flower power oohh meditate hear the bell ring
- Will you shut your face, if you are to misbehave I will not speak to you. (did I say that out loud?)
- Feisty, here take a joint.
- I don't smoke, it is mere toxic... I think I feel about smoking the same way you feel about meditation dear. The opposite attract - attend - attention - attraherar? (translation needed)
Meditation is a new age thing like flower power is it not?
No it's an old way from before our time counting to become aware, to reach the enligthenment and Nirvana
tisdag 29 april 2014
Talkshow host, as a job?
Fun. What is funny haha? Yes comedy gold is mr Brian Blessed methinks. One of many funny men.Them you recognize yourself in, some phrase that is yes I too feel I shouldn´t be here. How odd to hear another express just that but in a place where I would have enjoyed to be part of the audience just perhaps. well here it is the compilation Blessed. What amaze me is how some personas just don't get embarrassed. I'm an ultra shy girl - woman. The opposite, a loud streetsmart talking is what I find very likeable. Yes, I liked Flash Gordon the movie as I so adored Timothy Dalton and the original soundtrack of Queen made it a great film but thats another story.
lördag 5 april 2014
What kind of nerd are you?
Ye I wonder sometimes the same thing. It depends on my mood. I have affection for old time movies those that were made before the second world war but after the first world war so its those movies that are from 1920-1939 something. But then after that WW2 came light television -60, -70 the flowerpower era.
There has always been entertainment for the people. It started with the romans gladiator games or before that with the ancient greeks and before that before the people knew how to write down history it all happened in public entertainment. I have my favourite films one is The Scarlet Pimpernel(1934) with Leslie Howard as the sir Percy Blakeney. It tells a lovestory with the background of the French revolution and it is also the man behind the mask and dangerous escapades.
Come to think of it it tells of the end of a Kingdom that turned from monarchy to republic. Its nothing romantic with politics really but I watch it for the strong actors. The Scarlet Pimpernel is a very good film that stands the test of time.
This story has been made over and over. I like the TV-serie made with R E G and the film from 1982 because Chauvelain is then played by mr Gandalf! whats his name? sir Ian McKellen! as a baddie.
Now awaiting the musical of The Scarlet Pimpernel that has been said to be filmatized with Douglas Sills in the lead, he played it on Broadway, though I doubt it be good translated into film those direct on stage jokes he then made.
There has always been entertainment for the people. It started with the romans gladiator games or before that with the ancient greeks and before that before the people knew how to write down history it all happened in public entertainment. I have my favourite films one is The Scarlet Pimpernel(1934) with Leslie Howard as the sir Percy Blakeney. It tells a lovestory with the background of the French revolution and it is also the man behind the mask and dangerous escapades.
Come to think of it it tells of the end of a Kingdom that turned from monarchy to republic. Its nothing romantic with politics really but I watch it for the strong actors. The Scarlet Pimpernel is a very good film that stands the test of time.
Now awaiting the musical of The Scarlet Pimpernel that has been said to be filmatized with Douglas Sills in the lead, he played it on Broadway, though I doubt it be good translated into film those direct on stage jokes he then made.
onsdag 26 mars 2014
I'm trying to not be
This is not working for me. I heard from my colleague to-day about how much rubbish that is thrown into the Östersjön. That small unique part of lake that is between Sweden and Finland, baltikum, Denmark, Germany and Poland, that lake has had waste sunken on purpose into it since the year 1800 something. And still to this day the ferries, boats that goes on daily basis on their route between the countries next to this big in lake throws stuff overboard I heard from this diving man. And its so awful. I feel bad for the fish. I feel bad for mother nature. I feel sorry for the next generation that will have such toxic water that it is life treathening danger to bathe, take a swim and forget about drinking the water in the Future to come. It is too late now. What can we do other than wait for doomsday on this half of the millennium?
- Party?
- I wish I could stop thinking about that toxic waste, that forgotten torpedo on the floor of the ocean, the sunken ship with dangerous cargo, all those boats that are left to rot also in the deep.
- Can´t we start the process of making amends?
- It will only take 15000 men some hundred thousand years to clean up that mess on the bottom.
- Oh. Thats alot of jobs then...
- Here under the bridge, do you know what to find there?
- No
- Bicycles. People throw their old bicycles over the bridge in the nighttime just to get rid of it and then report it stolen to the police and get the money.
- No really?
nedskräpningen av östersjön må tas på allvar. På hemsidan Hållbara hav finns mera info.
- Bicycles. People throw their old bicycles over the bridge in the nighttime just to get rid of it and then report it stolen to the police and get the money.
- No really?
nedskräpningen av östersjön må tas på allvar. På hemsidan Hållbara hav finns mera info.
tisdag 18 mars 2014
Tomorrow I love ya
söndag 9 mars 2014
So this is it
This weekend I have been quite spending, it cost me some money to buy waterbased oil paint for my next painting project. I have another portrait order to get done which Im happy that I have some more than 3 months on, it might even get better than the last one when I now have more time for sketching.
Next week is to me very important things happening. I am to go to a job interview on Tuesday afternoon and that would mean an end to a full year of unemployment if I get the job... as a cleaning lady.
But before that the same day I have the writing test for the drivers license. So thats ok, from having nothing to do really to a crammed day becoz in the evening time Tusedays I have been going to the bokföringskursen in English accountant class? where kredit and debit is counted for. Americans apparently like a seven day count for the incomes, and the swedes is all for the balance to get right. Because it has to be even what goes in as comes out? However that makes successful companies one wonders. Anyhow to someday start my own company I thought I had to get a hand of this counting money thing, apparently its good for the taxes that is due to fill in now before 1 of May. Paperwork for every citizen of age with income of some kind. Come to think of it I hate paperwork but at the same time I'm into numbers. The magic of it. How a sum of numbers can turn into things. I still wonder about it. I miss the old days which was when I was just a child carefree, had my nextdoor neighbour to play with everyday and not worrying about how will I get money for the rent, food and the life I want to live. Do you really need money I wonder?
I was in town, that is Stockholm anyway because of the Woman Independence day? No just 8 March Saturday I was in on a small demostration for the hospital nurse - midwifes of Stockholm that has too much to do really and they are too few so the demo was to enlight the midwifes situation on this years Womens day. After my shopping I went home to the kitchen and spent 3hours making pie, sallads and chocolate cake for supper. If I had planned thins I might even had a small gathering in the evening, but I am not that good at planning things yet. I thought to myself another time will be the soire and teaparty time. Another time.
Next week is to me very important things happening. I am to go to a job interview on Tuesday afternoon and that would mean an end to a full year of unemployment if I get the job... as a cleaning lady.
But before that the same day I have the writing test for the drivers license. So thats ok, from having nothing to do really to a crammed day becoz in the evening time Tusedays I have been going to the bokföringskursen in English accountant class? where kredit and debit is counted for. Americans apparently like a seven day count for the incomes, and the swedes is all for the balance to get right. Because it has to be even what goes in as comes out? However that makes successful companies one wonders. Anyhow to someday start my own company I thought I had to get a hand of this counting money thing, apparently its good for the taxes that is due to fill in now before 1 of May. Paperwork for every citizen of age with income of some kind. Come to think of it I hate paperwork but at the same time I'm into numbers. The magic of it. How a sum of numbers can turn into things. I still wonder about it. I miss the old days which was when I was just a child carefree, had my nextdoor neighbour to play with everyday and not worrying about how will I get money for the rent, food and the life I want to live. Do you really need money I wonder?
tisdag 18 februari 2014
Standing at the trainstation
After rainfall comes sun. I have seen in the news how southern England has been flooded and I can only imagine how it would be to from one day to the other loose the roof over your head, all the possessions you own and have to leave this place that you call home. The heavy old furniture waterdamaged, grandmas piano that you´ve played on since you were little, less then a metre high.
I've learned in the news this week that it is by one metre high the chinese censor their movies. Are you above one meter you can watch all movies. So kids can go to adult films by just having the right height. There was some row in western media about how Quentin Tarrantino had to cut his film when it entered the chinese cinemas. But the western media failed to report how the director agreed to it because of the special height censorship (and protecting childrens innocent minds from the adult scenes), so the film did screen in China after that small adjustment made. Then vice versa some scenes from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon never went through the Europe/ American censors - so films get cut here and there just so.
In the newsreport from England one lady sits by a table with her friend next to her, they drink beer. She says well the house is by gone but at least I'm alright. As long as the family is alright everything is alright.
That is good spirit. That is the right way of thinking. Away with all the materialistic crap shit you bought and what you have left is the friends, food, drink and warmth by sharing knowingly same experiences. Have I jumped to conclusions? Well the basic I have learned is from the last year at school svenska gymnasiet, Vardagspsykologi was the subject I picked from Elevens val. The choice of subject that gave me highest grades. Everyday psychology. There is a ladder to climb basically to get to happiness or feel human although you have five basic needs to be human also 1.drink 2.eat 3.lovemakin/have sex 4.pee/poo 5.sleep - preferable in a warm bed under a roof keeping you safe from the rain/snow/weather.
I feel like I left out something but the basics are so animalistic. Then we have emerged from that to become shopoholics and alcoholics, workoholics and arseholes. Thats funny.
Here is the future -Busy doing nothing.
I've learned in the news this week that it is by one metre high the chinese censor their movies. Are you above one meter you can watch all movies. So kids can go to adult films by just having the right height. There was some row in western media about how Quentin Tarrantino had to cut his film when it entered the chinese cinemas. But the western media failed to report how the director agreed to it because of the special height censorship (and protecting childrens innocent minds from the adult scenes), so the film did screen in China after that small adjustment made. Then vice versa some scenes from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon never went through the Europe/ American censors - so films get cut here and there just so.
In the newsreport from England one lady sits by a table with her friend next to her, they drink beer. She says well the house is by gone but at least I'm alright. As long as the family is alright everything is alright.
That is good spirit. That is the right way of thinking. Away with all the materialistic crap shit you bought and what you have left is the friends, food, drink and warmth by sharing knowingly same experiences. Have I jumped to conclusions? Well the basic I have learned is from the last year at school svenska gymnasiet, Vardagspsykologi was the subject I picked from Elevens val. The choice of subject that gave me highest grades. Everyday psychology. There is a ladder to climb basically to get to happiness or feel human although you have five basic needs to be human also 1.drink 2.eat 3.lovemakin/have sex 4.pee/poo 5.sleep - preferable in a warm bed under a roof keeping you safe from the rain/snow/weather.
I feel like I left out something but the basics are so animalistic. Then we have emerged from that to become shopoholics and alcoholics, workoholics and arseholes. Thats funny.
torsdag 30 januari 2014
the Future houses
Arcitecht Mick Pearce. What I liked about his talk was that he told about how he tried to learn how to build a house with the nature involved in the building itself, environment thinking. This is good house building for the future.
It reminds me of Alvar Aalto, a Finnish arcitect that also used a closeness to nature within his building, but the difference here is that Mick Pearce do work together with the scientists knowledge of as the first example in the video the Termites housewarming technique, their lung as he says, he needed the scientists for him to learn the functionality and then he makes it into a building in humansize with his arcitect skilled design of course. The waterfall building in China is an interesting project mentioned in the same video piece. Its fascinating to learn about how the trees also get integrated into a parkingspot.
More collaboration of science and arcitect might make a better future for sustainable houses.
Mick Pearce,
torsdag 23 januari 2014
Big Sister program
In the history of time in the ancient Greece there is a story about how women stopped a war going on. The drama/comedy was written by Aristofanes 411 B.C. It's called Lysistrate. The wifes had a sexstrejk(meaning the women stopped pleasuring their husbands). And in frustration the war-headed men stopped the war.
Now I'm not sure what the joke was.
I am looking at notes from yesteryear and as I am looking for something to do, like a buisness to make a living of I like the thought of a Big Sister program. It will be about sisterhood then. Because women can do better than be stay at home wifes.
We are teachers, personal assitent, secretaries, cleaning ladies, Yoga, impretator, hair dressers. Women are mothers, sisters, daughters, diplomats, peace ambassadeurs, Composers, Journalists, Reporters, gardeners, artists, filmmakers, bakers, chefs, nurses, daycare, police, firefighters, doctors.
I mention all of these professions like each woman has to know how to do all these things to take care of her family, after her fulltime work she comes home and do the cooking and laundry, cleaning if she is this middle class woman living in Sweden. Doubletime, she´s working at home too unpaid business just to get the family happy. Is she happy with that? Do we not need to be good helping sisters in this large village or community on this Earth. Woman/Man and all in between. Were we not all once children?
The Mothers of Ukraine sons went out on the streets to stop the fighting yesterday. The president of their country is on a sick leave now.
We women take care of you men. Be nice to us. Honour your ladies.
Take care of eachother women. Be good sisters to one another.
ancient greece,
onsdag 15 januari 2014
some thought about yesterdays news
I take a coffebreak and turn on the telly. Kunskapskanalen(that is the knowledge-channel) shows a program about Pompeii and old rome. the lady that presents it is lovely, she tell all about how the romans used their slaves as inhuman like a piece of furniture but how some of them slaves got to be married to their owner and be set free. Free slaves that got to become husband or wife to the owner. Mary Beard tells explicit how one of the slaves chores was to do sex duty. The rich household had an own bath for those services, the mosaic at the entrance floor showing a man with erect penis and then the pool floor showing more naked personas lets the historic storyteller guess that here was the sex room, where slaves that did not even own their own body got to do things for their master, man or girl or woman an boy? Who knows?
I switch channel and there are reporters eagerly waiting for president Hollande to make a statement about his personal affair, but when he talk he only mention the job situation and how to make France matter in the EU and to help out by making a new job arrangement program, make some changes for France.
Then the head press journalist get to ask a question, and he trips delicately with the words first thanking for the president mentioning them prisoned journalists abroad and hoping freedom for press yada yada, but the question is will the presidents wife be joining him to the Obama meeting in few weeks time?
Oh Irony. No, he is asking about personal affairs. The humanity needs to know is he having an affair or not?! How about the jobs? Isn't that more important? I am jobless so I wonder about the jobs more than the private matter of a man and woman. The wife in question hospitalized so leave them alone I think quietly. If I were that wife I would not like to see the newspaper of tomorrow throwing images out there for everyone to see about those private matters... not the choice a woman makes when getting married to someone? For better or worse.
In ancient Rome, the tombs of a rich household contained 24pairs in katakomb like square(48persons!) The slaves and master of the household indifferent in death. The freed slaves of a man got to share his grave. In aristocrat England it would be unthinkable to have the lord in same familygrave as the household.
The romans had another kind of lifestyle for sure or is it the same as we have today? Is it just forgotten about? Looking back in time and seeing dramas of the past makes one see the humanity is one of a kind, the same no matter what age, the difference of today is the Big Brother(read 1984 by George Orwell) eye that sees all and can document it to the delight of others. I feel sick of the ever curiousity that explores all over, that want to know all, its sickening, thats my thoughts of the day.
I switch channel and there are reporters eagerly waiting for president Hollande to make a statement about his personal affair, but when he talk he only mention the job situation and how to make France matter in the EU and to help out by making a new job arrangement program, make some changes for France.
Then the head press journalist get to ask a question, and he trips delicately with the words first thanking for the president mentioning them prisoned journalists abroad and hoping freedom for press yada yada, but the question is will the presidents wife be joining him to the Obama meeting in few weeks time?
Oh Irony. No, he is asking about personal affairs. The humanity needs to know is he having an affair or not?! How about the jobs? Isn't that more important? I am jobless so I wonder about the jobs more than the private matter of a man and woman. The wife in question hospitalized so leave them alone I think quietly. If I were that wife I would not like to see the newspaper of tomorrow throwing images out there for everyone to see about those private matters... not the choice a woman makes when getting married to someone? For better or worse.
In ancient Rome, the tombs of a rich household contained 24pairs in katakomb like square(48persons!) The slaves and master of the household indifferent in death. The freed slaves of a man got to share his grave. In aristocrat England it would be unthinkable to have the lord in same familygrave as the household.
The romans had another kind of lifestyle for sure or is it the same as we have today? Is it just forgotten about? Looking back in time and seeing dramas of the past makes one see the humanity is one of a kind, the same no matter what age, the difference of today is the Big Brother(read 1984 by George Orwell) eye that sees all and can document it to the delight of others. I feel sick of the ever curiousity that explores all over, that want to know all, its sickening, thats my thoughts of the day.
Mary Beard,
onsdag 8 januari 2014
Personal january
Yes, I'm an amateur artist. I know it´s not anything anyone would buy... I got maybe more paintings I´ve begun to paint with an idea and then in reality it does not turn out the way I imagined. Kind of like the relationships I've had. Things doesn´t turn out the way I imagine, perhaps because I am a dreamer and there is noone that can read minds are there?
I counted that it is about twenty paintings I have not found a way to complete yet. Its work in progress, although I've managed to do portrait work in between and they are finished paintings, so its the odd ones out really. Too bad on the hours colouring these not good enough work of arts. Oh well I'm a mess.
dare to disagree,
Where are we now
tisdag 7 januari 2014
Ted Talk "loose transcript" Andrew Solomon
Andrew Solomon - Depression, the secret we share. (Shows pictures of famous persons that had depression Emily Dickinson, Goya, ) 1991 mother died, relationship dead, 3 years later, did not want to do anything. - Everything to do seem like to much to do. Instead of feel good to have friends what alot to do. Difficult to eat. You know it is ridiculous to be depressed. Feel myself doing less, thinking less. Then anxiety. If you told a month only. A sensation of being afraid all the time. Too painful to be alive. Lay in bed thinking something is wrong. Finally the phone rang. His Father rang him. Who am I if I cannot be myself? What if the medication do me someone else. There be something. Merge and relapsed. Have to be in therapy for life. Is it philosophical or...
The treatment is a disaster, I hope in the future. No thing of love without desprair. Depression, grief and sadness. Loss, six months later feel better it is grief. If loss and still at a loss six month later, then it is depression.
Andrew Solomon interviewed depression people. It is a serious thing.
Lithium without the medicin she katatonic. I was singing to myself Where have all the flowers gone over and over to get the voice out of your head. - Think about killin self.
Thats true but I think what to focus about now is what to have for breakfast.
Play videogame an hour. The healthy thought killing more than the depressed group thought of killin little monsters.
A husband and wife hiding their depression to eachother. Hiding medication in different places in the same
If u have braincancer.
If you feel better you get better from depression.
How medication - making little things from yarn helped a woman. (Look out if she had OCD too)
Rwanda, westafrica, east africa - Treatment - take the people into sunshine and music and community, no the westernes just took them to a room and make them talk about bad things in this damp room.
A woman of 7children just laid on the bed, covers over her head, abusive husband. 6months later she is single mother can help the kids with their homework, she got happier kids and says: I asked the lord to send me an angel and he did, she said.
Think it through. What is the mechanism of resillience? Those who hide from it get worse. Those who have it. Im glad to have been in hospital 40times. Learned to give all the things I need. Have found a soul inside myself says Andrew Solomon. Found a way to love my depression, to cling to the reasons for living.
Andrew Solomon,
ted talk,
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