onsdag 26 mars 2014

I'm trying to not be

This is not working for me. I heard from my colleague to-day about how much rubbish that is thrown into the  Östersjön. That small unique part of lake that is between Sweden and Finland, baltikum, Denmark, Germany and Poland, that lake has had waste sunken on purpose into it since the year 1800 something. And still to this day the ferries, boats that goes on daily basis on their route between the countries next to this big in lake throws stuff overboard I heard from this diving man. And its so awful. I feel bad for the fish. I feel bad for mother nature. I feel sorry for the next generation that will have such toxic water that it is life treathening danger to bathe, take a swim and forget about drinking the water in the Future to come. It is too late now. What can we do other than wait for doomsday on this half of the millennium? 
- Party? 
- I wish I could stop thinking about that toxic waste, that forgotten torpedo on the floor of the ocean, the sunken ship with dangerous cargo, all those boats that are left to rot also in the deep. 
- Can´t we start the process of making amends? 
- It will only take 15000 men some hundred thousand years to clean up that mess on the bottom. 
- Oh. Thats alot of jobs then...
- Here under the bridge, do you know what to find there?
- No
- Bicycles. People throw their old bicycles over the bridge in the nighttime just to get rid of it and then report it stolen to the police and get the money.
- No really?
nedskräpningen av östersjön må tas på allvar. På hemsidan Hållbara hav finns mera info.

tisdag 18 mars 2014

Tomorrow I love ya

I saw this film the other day for the first time. The song Tomorrow caught my heart. to look forward to the tomorrow that hopefully will be better. I like that. More optimism needed in this world today. The Annie film is an oldie now. How would today or tomorrows lyrics be like? Is all the good songs already written?

söndag 9 mars 2014

So this is it

   This weekend I have been quite spending, it cost me some money to buy waterbased oil paint for my next painting project. I have another portrait order to get done which Im happy that I have some more than 3 months on, it might even get better than the last one when I now have more time for sketching.

I was in town, that is Stockholm anyway because of the Woman Independence day? No just 8 March Saturday I was in on a small demostration for the hospital nurse - midwifes of Stockholm that has too much to do really and they are too few so the demo was to enlight the midwifes situation on this years Womens day. After my shopping I went home to the kitchen and spent 3hours making pie, sallads and chocolate cake   for supper. If I had planned thins I might even had a small gathering in the evening, but I am not that good at planning things yet. I thought to myself another time will be the soire and teaparty time. Another time.     

   Next week is to me very important things happening. I am to go to a job interview on Tuesday afternoon and that would mean an end to a full year of unemployment if I get the job... as a cleaning lady.
But before that the same day I have the writing test for the drivers license. So thats ok, from having nothing to do really to a crammed day becoz in the evening time Tusedays I have been going to the bokföringskursen in English accountant class? where kredit and debit is counted for. Americans apparently like a seven day count for the incomes, and the swedes is all for the balance to get right. Because it has to be even what goes in as comes out? However that makes successful companies one wonders. Anyhow to someday start my own company I thought I had to get a hand of this counting money thing, apparently its good for the taxes that is due to fill in now before 1 of May. Paperwork for every citizen of age with income of some kind. Come to think of it I hate paperwork but at the same time I'm into numbers. The magic of it. How a sum of numbers can turn into things. I still wonder about it. I miss the old days which was when I was just a child carefree, had my nextdoor neighbour to play with everyday and not worrying about how will I get money for the rent, food and the life I want to live. Do you really need money I wonder?