This morning on the television a panel of entertainment talked about the results of the vote, that it is a rememberable front page of the evening newspaper that shows a photograph of the FI party with a yes on the left side and a photograph of the SD party with a No! on the right side. FI stands for human rights you may say and is all for gender equality and will fight for the female paychecks to rise up to the mens paycheck. SD stands for nationality and they have accountants that do counting on the travellers into the country and I think SD also wants to have more borders to the nation so the nation can take care of itself. The evening newspaper said Yes to that FI party of humanity got places into the EU as well as a big No to that SD, the nationalist party got places into the EU. I would have voted FI of course. Because I am worried about these nationalists that come through because it is mostly angry young men and have they really thought it through?
I see a lack of humanity. It all goes so fast and you want things now, now now. If we all got what we wanted now, what else is there to wish for?
The panel on the morning television talk about the lack of an entertainment parti in the EU - European Union - like, I wonder does any country/ United States have an entertaiment guided parti? There are the right and the left and the ones in between. An entertainment party would get many voters because the theatre, books, litterature, films, music, tv is a part of everyones life. Wouldn´t that be great?
But the politics is all about the money.
I wish the capitalists would come to their senses and realize that there is more to life than money.
There is food and environment. What will one extra coin in your pocket do for you when the food you eat is poisoned by antibiotics or that bees died so the food production stopped because we can not get any grains if not nature pollinates and if it not rains in the right place. Where are the clouds? Where do they come from? It is said that they forms over the rainforest. part of them does. Save the rainforest then.