Ricky Gervais thanked God for making him an Atheist on the Golden Globes a couple of years ago. It's all online for anyone to see for anytime amusement. There are so much fun to see anytime, anywhere if you got a connection to the world wide web somehow through a cellular phone or smart phone or ipad or computer device, apparently a Apple watch would suffice for you to get the latest news or whatever you wish for from the messages, why not get stress for being so up to date and always available? As I bicycled through the park on my way home from the store I saw this two young girls sitting in the grass on a blanket dressed like teens in hiphop-stylish outfits. They could be just sunbathing or talk gossip with each other but I got amazed that both girls lay there beside each other fingering on a smartphone of some sort. Each in their own world. What is the matter with the world today? I say phone away. I mean throw away that devlish thing that so overtake the eyesight of young people. Ok I'm old. Meeting with another person is eye to eye and talk, reminisce and so fort. I would not gaze for another like or whatnot in that meeting with my girlfriend. When I was young we interacted all the time because the cellphone was not mainstream. I did not own one until like 15? And I am glad I didn't have it then now. All kinds of trouble - thinking phone youngsters adult - it can do. It was not there, therefor it is not missed. One part of me appreciate the way the technology moves forward and because of it humans may come more together as the new technology gets cleaner and free and supposedly mankind will be able to survive the fact that the world is getting overpopulated and therefor over production won't matter as there might be needed fewer things in the future. One must hope that the saying less is more will come into everyones mind. The ecological footprint for the rich countries is bad enough so that one hopes that the other part will not get all the rich peoples things because then there so would be too much products world wide. I'm sad for all the trash that has been thrown in the ocean. That I learned from QI se05 ep01. You live you learn. There are truths to be told in the comedy. Serious matters gets a bit of space needed and people learn about themselves through it. The laughter is joyful because of the recognition of "I have been there" or "I've done that too" or just how funny that man fell over. I laugh at the unexpected and absurd situations. Have a laugh a day, thats the best medicine? There is so much to be thankful for and that's that. I've read a lot of self-help stuff but the only thing that fits is the buddhist way methinks.
- I saw a bird flying away with a worm in its mouth today.
- Don't you mean that you saw a bird with a snake in its mouth today?
- No, what is it with you and all these double entendres?
Sade - No ordinary Love Wondering about storytelling? Me too. I prefer to leave space for imagination, fill in the character for urself. Is it a man to man conversation? Or it two old ladies? Or a boy to a girl? I don't know. But the story changes by the character. By who says this or that. Whispering or talk it out loud. And how is it said? Is it in a bedroom or outdoors? Where is it said. In a pub between two personas or walking in the park But I prefer to leave it open like a poem, like a comic line sort of whatisitcalled? Oneliner. Short poem or Short storytelling? Short snort Short snort? Yeah short snorting of laughter story (if that is a word in english language)
But it isn't funny. If you can't hear the way it's said it isn't funny. Jokes are a visual experience are they not?
- Today it is time to remember the bomb that fell over Hiroshima 70 years ago.
It is all over the twitter. You can see interview of some of the survivors on the BBC News.
- Who cares? That something happened so long ago. A world war will never happen again.
We have learned our lesson. Thanks Einstein, inventor of the atom bomb. It stopped the war.
- No it didn't! It just made the Japan surrender to the Americans. Then the cold war was holding Sovjet and America on the edge. Then the war did not end until recently, when the Berlin wall fell down.
- But that was 1990's it is at least 25 years ago?
- Yes it is that recently. As a environmental interested I see the years as seconds or less.
The beginning of the universe was a long time ago. The dinosaurs happened some time ago.
The age of the human race is a fart. A loud fart and since the invention of the nuclear power plants and freons a quite smelly and toxic fart for mother Earth.
You can see interviews of the survivors of Hiroshima on various news sites. It really happened. A 6km diameter wide cloud was seen from the place that bomb was dropped. All over the streets people ran for their lives. A doctor that saw that cloud went into the Hiroshima hospital tent to help the burned victims. He layed bandages and whatnot on the patients to soothe, heal and treated thousand patients that day, couple of weeks later all was dead and the doctor chose to quit his job. Haunted by the day the bomb fell he can remember and tell about it to the camera photographer 70years on.
Don't mention the war. I began school as the wall fell down. I still remember the poster on the door in my first classroom. I saw the date of Berlin wall fallin, apparently it was an accident that made the reporter/ politician was it? tell everyone to smash it down. A lucky misinterpretation of the television viewers made people gather to take the wall down brick for brick Nov 9. 1989. That is when the war ended methinks.
In Sweden we have had this weekend some people gathering to take down the Sweden Democrats commercial for against the immigration, about 12000 people signed up for going to demonstrate against the right winged rather unnecessary commercial banderolls telling about how beggars are unwanted in Sweden. People need to be. One says why are we to have them Romanians here to sit and beg for money to get a ticket to go home again. They did not sit and beg for money here before. What are they doing here on our streets, begin for money instead of being in their home country working? What is it that doesn't work in Romania? Why Sweden democrats? What is wrong with some people?
The Japanese has worked 70years for Peace. No anger, just sorrow. There is a peace concert in Hiroshima now in 2015.
I wonder if they will play John Lennons - Imagine?
Hey Donald D'ck, guess what I'm on about? Kalle Anka, Mr Kalle Trump skulle det kunnat vara, oh thats funny. I saw the BBC News this morning how a lady reporter went through the buildingsite for Rio Olympics with the mayor. It is not yet finished, for London Olympics were one year ahead of the big games for the sportsmen to practice in the readymade arenas. I was appalled to learn that so much dirt is let out into the water freely in the city Rio, it is sad for the Environment that there is bad cleaning support system over there. The plastic man Boyan Slat is amazing. Now someone need to invent better filter system for water. A big poopa scoopa before the Olympics in Rio. Wait it already exist? Most rich countries have good sewer system, for example Paris have that wondrous tunnel for cleaning. Why shouldn't Rio? If people cared they would summon the effort needed for getting the game on cleaner. Fresh water. How on Earth will one get fresh water in ten years time? Can you imaging to have to pay for a drop of water? It's raining here today..
Juegos Olímpicos de 2016 en Río
Río Os parece ser una sucia. El agua no es potable. En Suecia es hasta ahora el agua dulce pero es sólo 1 millón de habitantes en Estocolmo como parte del agua. Cada municipio tiene plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, cada lago cuenta con plantas de tratamiento de agua en Suecia. Es importante disponer de agua limpia para la higiene y los tiempos. Estoy preocupado por la cantidad de personas estarán en la ciudad de Río, cómo van a hacer frente a la higiene cuando los residentes de la ciudad hoy en día no puede hacerlo. para volcar las heces directamente al mar sin limpiar obras son absurdas.
2014 se jugó el Mundial de Fútbol en Río, ya que la ciudad tiene para ella, pero los Juegos Olímpicos son también deportes acuáticos como canotaje, natación y piragüismo, que requiere agua limpia.
Deben los deportes acuáticos se pueden establecer para la seguridad en los Juegos Olímpicos en el 2016? la ciudad de Río no aprende purificado agua en un año, si se produce, no un milagro. El agua en el lago Vallentuna cerca de donde yo vivo no ha sido capaz de convertirse en saludable pesar de décadas de intentos de limpiar el lago poco profundo. En Suecia, tenemos la palabra moderación.
Gracias a Google tranlsate para la traducción mientras que una lección de gramática española / portuguesa.
Yo nunca he estado en América del Sur, pero mi corazón late por la selva, por cada árbol talado, me muero un poco. Es pulmones selva tropical de la Madre Tierra. Quiero dejar de comprar soja si eso ayuda, pero la mayoría es la demanda china de soja que controlan el mercado.
Muchos arroyos pequeños que conducen a un río importante, dejar de selva tropical devastadora de lo contrario vengar la madre tierra. No, ella va a estar bien, en cualquier caso, pero es una lástima que el hombre...
2016 Jogos Olímpicos no Rio parece ser um sujo. A água não é potável. Suécia é até agora a água fresca, mas apenas 1 milhão de habitantes em Estocolmo, como parte da água. Cada município tem plantas de tratamento de esgoto, cada lago tem estações de tratamento de água na Suécia. É importante ter água limpa para a higiene e os tempos. Estou preocupada com quantas pessoas vão estar na cidade do Rio, como eles vão lidar com a higiene quando moradores da cidade hoje não pode. para despejar fezes directamente para o mar sem limpar obras são absurdas.
Copa de 2014 foi disputada no Rio, como a cidade tem para ela, mas os Jogos Olímpicos são também desportos aquáticos, como canoagem, natação e canoagem, exigindo água limpa.
Desportos aquáticos deve ser definido para a segurança nos Jogos Olímpicos em 2016? a cidade de Rio aprende água purificada em um ano, se ocorrer, não um milagre. A água do lago Vallentuna perto de onde eu moro não tem sido capaz de tornar-se saudável, apesar de décadas de tentativas de limpar o lago raso.
A Suecia, tenemos la palabra moderación. Graças ao Google tranlsate de tradução, enquanto uma lição de gramática Espanhol / Português.
Eu nunca fui para a América do Sul, mas meu coração bate por selva, para cada árvore derrubada, eu morro um pouco. É pulmões floresta tropical da Mãe Terra. Eu parar de comprar soja se isso ajuda, mas a maior é a demanda chinesa por soja que controlam o mercado.
muitos pequenos riachos que levam a um grande rio’
parar de floresta tropical devastadora caso contrário vingar a Mãe Terra. não, ela vai ficar bem em qualquer caso, mas é uma pena que o homem...
Yep, you worry if you do and you worry if you don't.