söndag 27 mars 2016

I am ok, Im o key, I am k

The will and the word ought to make things happen.

Wouldn't it be nice to see Faldors farm in the next TV-series, with Polgara, Old wolf and Garion?

Make that happen. Make that into film. I wish.


Last seen film Valhalla(1986)

It's an anime made by 16000  something drawings with the help of old school Disney Studios

with the danish-born Peter Madsens comic book Valhalla to draw from.

I read those comic books when I was in my first years in school and as I come to think of it,

them books were freshly printed some of them back then. I ran to the library on the during the days

school breaks, to not have to be outdoors with trouble was what I longed for,

no trouble just reading about how Loke fooled Tor, how the kiddies got along with

the Gods in Asgard. And when all comic books was read, heavier books came along ...

Now in this cartoon film there's is a fantastical scene of the figures of the chess game

 being alive

(which film had that first? I've seen it being copied later in Harry Potter?)

as Oden plays with a talking head as opponent(a clip is shown 2:08 in the trailer)

I like then how the great Tor has to challenge the Trolls for to lose against their trickery,

although the story has happy ending of course. It's a weird film sometime and funny as well.

This above is the trailer. A gem for me becoz I have a connection, it brings me back to those carefree

days and at the same time one sees the story differently with oh like 20 + years or something have

passed and I know a bit more about what work that is behind the film 100 people in the studio helped

coloring this handmade work of art and it amazes me that I can go to the library

next week to find a book or two in the saga of Valhalla that I haven´t read yet,

becoz I had forgotten about it, I wondered if this is the first time I saw the full film,

It maybe so as I haven´t heard them speaking Danish before (they were swedish in my head)

Another work Peter Madsen has done is said to be his better which

is to have drawn a tale of Hans Christian Andersen, the story of a mother,

and I'm sure it's beautiful,

though I have to go to Denmark once more to get it. Meanwhile I got the saga on the Youtube and it

sure is something touching about it that goes to all that has a heart about the loss of a child,

a mother's sorrow

Last seen cinema film one week ago: The Danish girl. It's good if you feel like crying for 2h 

that´s the film you will see. How identity, how body and mind can be so different?

Next mission on top of all the others: Make Eddings Belgarion into a Disney stylish Peter Madsen

comic book or something ?

Cheers, Happy Easter holiday- Gla´ påsk

Je suis bruxelles, jesuisLahore, Je suis Paris, Je suis le femme - Bless them as they do not know what they do

söndag 13 mars 2016

Dear die ary - die area - diarrhea?

Hear comes som word blubbering once more feel free to join in.

The art of being an artist is like that an artform in itself

if you do not have any significance

then you are just you

In the mind of a teaching of eastern origin it is so

that we are all one and the same,

You need to be good to yourself first and then in meditation

you take in the one closest to you in the same room as the one most far away,

you set your mind to make those close to you and the opposite meet and greet.

Pick n choose that person that is your worst enemy and put him to into that imagined room

in meditation breathe in, breathe out

make opposite ends meet to make the circle of life by a thread

Stay optimistic, be prepared for anything and reach out when needed

Be nice

Karma is what decides how the future will be, what next life will turn into

so listen carefully to this tune

the Karmapolice by Radiohead