söndag 24 maj 2015

Eurovision in Guiness book of World record

Congratulations to Måns Zelmerlöw for the winning in Eurovision

that were yesterday and/or this morning as the result were in like eight hours ago

And congratulations Eurovision to be 60 years going strong for building bridges

between European countries I guess it has learned people

 to count to twelve in french and english language

and music is not politics

it is just a song contest between mostly European countries

joined together each year and some more countries joins in occasionally

Australia with us this year of celebration and they did good

Loved the three italian men singing about the Grande Amore 

this year (they got the third place after Russia)

Songs of Love tends to be winners of the ESC

Analyze this (as you do occasionally/ often/ always):

songs about heroes

In the winning song this years ESC15

Måns Zelmerlöw is singing in the refrain that

"We are heroes of our time 

but we're dancing with the demons in our minds"

Like today we all are heroes 2015

but yesterday there was another song

Hero by David Bowie released 1977

back then singing "we can be heroes just for one day"

sounds more real to strive for being a hero for one day

There is a lot of heroes walking along today or

there has always been heroes around in history I had a deeper thought but I forget

lets say dancing like heroes today is a point made that we just want to celebrate now

dance whatever in la Suede but the message from Romania

the group Voltaj sang De la capat - All over again about children left at home

while the parent work in other countries to get income

message that show well the lyrics in the songs have subtext

in my point of view perhaps I am wrong 

I loved the Estonia song too Goodbye to yesterday

anyhow my favourite Hero song that I have sung the most is that of

Mariah Carey released 1993 when I was ten years old

I like those lyrics "there will be tomorrow in time you'll find a way"

and the line "that a hero lies in you"

Neither Mariah Carey or DaBow has been in Eurovision as far as I know

but its music all the same that colors the air 

lördag 23 maj 2015

the stupidity of mankind

so I hear about the church of Scientology

and I have avoided it because of all things that has been said

Now today I watch documentary of the Scientology

so I now know where I stand in the matter

That made up brainwashing organisation is not for me

One segment I tell ya is this former member tell about the Hole

where they one day got to do this game of chairs in a room where

the last man standing would be the one to stay

the game was played to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

(I dislike that fact becoz from now on I´ll associate a scientology terror game to this song I love ) 

but the chief of the thing then after the game was over changed his mind

they had torn clothes and bruises fighting to stay

Most upsetting about the church of scientology is the fact how they handle the information they get

 from the so called clearing sessions which basically is telling to a lie detector everything you know

and being recorded doing so and having a person that after that mark out significant words

to be kept in a special archive

but it is called going to an ateur

it has a fancy name to disguise what it really is

like a Sigmund Freud sofa session

but this auteur is then very interested and questioning all kind of things

brain washing

I don't like that no don't care for having someone else telling me what to think about something

and the way they handle controversy by attacking the subject

taking bad news with fining even more bad news about the opponent

I like Buddhism better always it is about finding the good within oneself

and thinking positive and meditate and accepting oneself in good manners

The scientologists in the Hole was being treated badly like

for example that girl get harassed by V in Vendetta 

they were at this special level ye and sheer

group pressure - grupptryck - what it can mean in english?

made them agree to things like you do when your in bootcamp for example

and these people paid for it to get there and as the chair game went on

they fought for being able to stay in that place

the Scientology sounds to me like a big psychiatry trial/ try out/ experiment

The Founder Hubbard was a man with a plan and he only wanted to earn some living and

he had to go into hiding his last years of living to hide from the tax man

Its organisation is like that of the mafia

praise all that are for and make pressure on those that are not

Lately some names have left the scientology after eye-opening happenings

and those who leave get left out of the society they've been in

all so called friends leave because in the name of S-

you cannot leave the organisation without consequences

there were examples in the documentary of things that

keeping the peoples confessions in writing to be able to use it if needed later

barely 50 000 people as followers to this sekt this day I don't know

What to learn from this? L Ron Hubbard managed to create his 'religion'

or what I prefer to call it a tax free business that he got with some help

from other money crazy men and with money crazy I mean those thinking of coins/

matter more than the actual spiritual benefit

His own son has written a revealing book apparently Ron deWolf

saying lets have all the facts out and let the people decide

oh yeah on a positive note if you tell someone all your secrets and inner thoughts you can

possibly/probably gain a sense of euphoria which is nice to know

although I would prefer to spill the beans to a close friend rather than

some man sitting with a machine asking a lot of follow up questions

In a free world it doesn't matter who you are or were you're from 

or what your beliefs are as long as it´s about love 

and love is free


SVT play dokumentär
om scientologin

söndag 10 maj 2015

sweet memories

- You remember the good times right?

- Yes of course I do, though I worry for tomorrow

- What about?

- Oh its nothing really I am just worrying for everything

- You can not be more specific?

- Well, there was this thing I saw on the telly, you know its silly really

- Tell me more

- You know there was this professor Brian Cox that was invited to talk about what worries him the

most in the whole world and what he said got me thinking, just so. Jimmy Carr was first making

jokes, then Brian Cox walks in and tells about his list of the end of the world worries from five to

one. Theres a volcano, a komet, the plague amongst worries and at the top of the list is according to

the professor, the stupidity of humans

- Oh, darling, that is nothing for you to worry about! What are the chances of that volcano to erupt?

Or the komet to hit earth? Very tiny. The stupidity of mankind is a bit that really doesn't matter either.

You go on, do what you can do, teach -er

- Ye, one can only hope for the next generation to become better at sustainability...

Oh I remember being a child and having no worries at all,
it was bliss to play with my neighborhood girlfriends all day long
until dinnertime came and a parent called me home again
To be cared for, dressed up, fed, brushed hair - like a living doll

Now I am in transition - or on a train station perhaps
just thinking about where does the next train go?
Am I even on the right platform?
Should I even take a train when there are 99 luftballons?

Sweet memories of times soon forgotten
or are they replaced by worries?

You worry if you do
You worry if you don't


måndag 4 maj 2015

in the news april

There was this interview I fell for. In Swedish television there is a program called Agenda and there

was an interview Anna Hedenmo had with a muslim woman that spoke for the change of Islam, a so

called reform that is needed in her opinion and I do agree with her.

She has written a book Heretic: Why Islam needs a reformation now and is promotiong the five

things she thinks is needed for the peaceful religion to brome truly peaceful by

like christianity has already have subdued(?) to, I mean

like those of the bible religion have already made adjustment to fit the modern world, not all but most

in Europe at least, even the pope is trying to modernize things further.

It is now time for muslim, followers of the Koran to also do something about the old sayings

from a uncivilized era so many hundred years ago.

On the swedish tweets after the program there was not many comment about

her saying the focus got into what other was on the program

where some politicians spoke awkwardly about stuff.

But I found the interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali. May God bless her for wanting to make a change for

the better.

Most human beings just want to go by their life

 its a democracy that is being challenged

Status quo if you want to call it such is being challenged and its being questioned

which has being goin on for a long time but it is building up and as its building up

it is extremely important that we face up to the people whiten Islam who are taking us into

a direction where people are committing crimes against humanity

In the interview Anna Hedenmo ask

- Many muslims are hurt by your words about their religion 

they feel offended because to them Islam is a peaceful religion

How does it feel to hurt so many people?

Ayaan answers

 - I have to ask them What hurts you more Doesn't it offend you this young man 

in Saudi Arabia who is fighting for modernity and liberty and life before death 

and he is sentenced to one thousand lashes, a million riyal, ten years of prison. 

Don't you find that offensive? If you don't find that offensive 

what's wrong with your humanity?

She made me understand more of how come Raif Badawi has got into trouble, he also want

to make change of the religion to fit modern day and make it peaceful. But him blogging about it

made things bad. I can not believe it, because of one speaking his or her heart or mind out

should not have consequences like that what he got. In Sweden one of the four laws of foundation(?)

(grundlagarna) is the freedom of speech(yttrandefrihet), which means that you are allowed to speak

out your different point of view without being in any way punished by what it is you say (unless if its

hurtful to others ... blablabla.. and so fort - the text of the law goes on)

I don´t know what tomorrow brings

(Well, we're off to Holmhällar on the subject of Land art, 2 hour busdrive to the south of Gotland, so I'll be disconnected for a week or so...)