lördag 13 september 2014

What is art?

It is a good question. Some questions just are there and have thousand billion of different answers to them. Yesterday I was at a vernissage on Gocart (it stands for Gotland Contemporary Art) it oould also be short for Go c art (Go and see art). There was a performance by Dryckesbröderna, two female artists in the making. They told about their travelling around the small island of Gotland, Sweden between cheers "skål".

Here's  their homepage
http://dryckesbroderna.tumblr.com  The drinking brothers  (in swedish)

So i figured to tell some travelling story too. I have taken some pictures of my time on Gotland as well.
 Here's on my way to Art-school looking at the clouds.

Passing by ringmuren. It is a photo of the reality so it is not art is it? If I made a painting of this wall thingy would it become art then? Who knows?

The world is art - the word is art

fredag 5 september 2014

Freddie Mercury

When I think of a Queen song, the song that comes into mind is Bohemian Rhapsody, iconic harmonies and the wonderful singing master. I recorded that song from the radio on a tape when a was little. Today was Freddie Mercury's birthday. No more amongst the living but his songs will live on for all time.

I love the small song too Love of my life. The guitar play by Brian May on this tune is great to hear.

"Don't stop me now" is also a wonderful song and that it then the line continues 'cause I'm having such a good time. 

Fabulous muzic. Full of life, stories, harmony.

I should stop writing now. Leave on a high note. It just gets to me that my uncle had the same, not the same? similar, fatal ending to his life as Freddie. That disease is so real and so many get it and it's important to acknowledge it. Jonas Gardell has written a book about the early 70's in Stockholm "Torka aldrig tårar utan handskar" - don´t swipe off the tears without gloves on. It got to be film 2012 by director Simon Kaijser. That got to me.  Spoiler alert... characters dying.
There is a more aware society nowadays perhaps. Stay safe.  I will.

"Only the good one die young" what song is that?

torsdag 4 september 2014

art and culture, I don't know

The lecturer gave the class the assignment of making out a "kulturmanifest" a pamphlet of culture like the Futurists used to do daily. To think about what is culture, what is art and so on. 
Art is for humanity. There always will be culture, art and poetry because its the way to communicate feelings amongst each other. It a pity that its so much workers in the culture section that doesn't get paid, its like in Sweden a few "famous" wellpaid workers in the culture while there are thousands of artists that struggle, unknown to the public, not getting a decent pay of the day, having to take other jobs to get by. Why is it so? The culture that humanity thrives upon, that is so important is for but a few to get by on when there are so many others standing in line, not just waiting but fighting for to get a place in the spotlight not getting any space because of the media covering but a few shining stars. 
It's a lucky few that have become someone known to the public. 

Kevin Spacey on crucial Impact of the Arts (YT-vid sett 3 sept 2014) Kev talade om det på Art Advocacy day 2011.  I made a small transcript and a worse translation to swedish. Art and culture is for one and all.   
In a world that gets smaller by the hour there has to be culture and freedom to the artists 
"Art and creativity is one of the most signifikant ways that humanity uses to fight against and lift itself out of the muck the dirt and the grind and the horror and the unfairness of political persecution, rasist attack, hatred, intolerance and downright cruelty but luckily to support our cause there have been a long and distinguished line of some of the most important figures in the united states and the world political history who have managed to lay a rest... eloquent work 
pres Kennedy.  as well as in the arts.
"..there is a connection hard to explain logically but easy to feel between achievement in public life and the progress in arts the age of Lorenzo ... was also the age of Leonardo Da Vinci. The age of Elizabeth was also the age of Shakespeare. In America artists quite often contribute not to our size but to our spirits not to our political beliefs but to our insight not to our self-esteem but to our self comprehension.
   There is the great poet Robert Frost who saw poetry as the means to save power from itself when power corrupts, poetry cleanses for art establishes basic human truth. which must serve as the touchstone for our judgement we must never forget that art is not a form of propaganda it is a form of truth. the highest duty of the writer, the composer, the artist is to remain true to themselves and let the chips fall where they may and the nation obtains mission of art invites the fade of having nothing to look back to with pride and nothing to look forward to with hope. 
   I look forward to an america that will not be afraid of grace and beauty.  I look forward to an america which will steadily race the standards of artistic accomplishment and enlarge cultural opportunities for all of our citizens and I look forward to an america that commands the respect throughout the world not only for its strength but for its civilisation. I see little of more importance to this country that its future and our civilisation than the full recognition of the place of the artist." 
   1933 Eleanor Roosevelt. Artist unemployed.A bill passed in congress national culture act. Eisenhower. 1958.
The create industry important for industry, import/export. in the US 
many art institutes are suffering today Act now for the culture and art to not be diminished. 

president Kennedys ord på svengelska
det finns en länk som är svår att förklara logiskt men lätt att känna mellan framgång i offentligheten  och den rörelse i konsten i Lorenzos tidsålder som också var tiden för Leonardo Da Vinci. Elizabeths tidsålder var detsamma som Shakespeares. I Amerika har konstnärer ofta bidragit inte till storlek men till spirit, inte till politiska åsikter men till vår insikt inte till vår självkänsla men till vår själv kännedom. Den store poeten Robert Frost såg poesi som det sätt att rädda makten från sig själv när makten är korrupt, poesin rensar för konst etablisserat en grund för den humana sanningen. som måste serve as the touchstone för vårt tanke måste vi aldrig glömma att konsten är inte en form av propaganda utan en form av sanning. Den högsta tjänsten för författaren, kompositören, konstnären är att de förblir sanna mot sig själva och låter chipsen falla var de vill och nationen obtains en konstagenda som bjuder in de som har inget att se tillbaka på med stolthet och intet att se tillbaka på med hopp. (Sen är det amerikanskt) var inte rädd för grace och skönhet. Jag ser fram emot .. ett land som stadigt höjer standarden för konstnärliga utsmyckningar och förstorar kulturella opportunister för alla invånare och I ser fram emot ett land som kommenderar respekt genom världen inte bara för dess styrka utan för dess samhälle. Det finns litet som är mer viktigt för detta land att dess framtid och vår befolkning än ett fullt erkännande av konstnärens plats.