lördag 19 december 2015

Pepparkaka? Peppercookie?

I will hear Edith Piaf songs in the back of my head all day long now.

It has gone a century this day since she was born. I was not into her music before I met a frenchman.

Those french are something...  I cannot describe in any way, well they're lively. Passionate. 

In Lucia 13th of december it was sung about the light that will comfort us in this dark time of winter.

Celebration of St Lucy every year in Sweden since 1865 something, it started as a "spex" with 

apparently a male student at Lund University dressed in the white nightgown with light in her/his 

hair. There are a few mocking songs but even more beautiful christmassy songs most of them about a 

star that show the way to where a child was born according to a fairy tale book written some time 


Every child likes to be Lucia nowadays, who wouldn't want to be the center of attention for that day?

The lady in white dress with red ribbon round her waist and candlelit crown in her hair. Followed by 

the tärnor, stalledrängar, tomtar, pepparkaksgubbar, mest stjärngossar. 

Then the popular song Lusse lelle could be heard from voices 'elva nätter före jul ' (11 nights before 


which means its not long now 19th of december. Edith Piaf born 100 years today, only her music 

lives on now. 

Strong lyrics from a chanson that lived hard, loved a lot and sang with power and that charm.

Todays assignment: Baka pepparkaka, a part of christmas tradition, in this house it's about making a 

gingerbread house for the little santa figures to live in, each year a bit different. And the taste of 

gingerbread dough is always pleasant y'know that mix of ginger, cinnamon, kryddnejlika and what 

else. It's an old recipe.

I wish for a peaceful christmas, thats all. 

måndag 23 november 2015

40 years ago this day/ 40 år sedan detta hände

The appearance of Cher & David Bowie was aired 23.11.1975

which means it was 40 years ago today

so you youngsters do you recognize any of them songs?

för 40 år sedan uppträdde Cher och David Bowie med detta medley på

 the Cher Show, CBS den 23 november 1975.

Ungdomar känner ni igne någon av sångerna?

Gissa vilka andra artister som sjungit dessa för den tiden hit-låtarna.

lördag 21 november 2015

lördag 14 november 2015

I did not see the news today, it was all about yesterday

A real black friday has passed. Earthquake in Japan. Bomb in Beirut. Shootings in Paris.

Same old story in the no man's land of Gaza, Israel or Palestine

I only knew about Einsteins written letter about war and humanity with Sigmund Freud it's called

Why war?

today I've learned about Tolstojs letter/ correspondence with Mahatma Ghandi from

Maria Popovas well written Brainpickings. It's a bit of text about them discussing love,

violence, and the truth of the human spirit. Maybe read it and tell me what it was about.

Song of the day November Rain by Guns n' roses

My reflection
I had a little song in mind. Don't think it is written yet.

It goes something like

anyone someone somehow

Where are you where am I
what are you what am I
who are you who am I

where are anyone 
in this chaos
created by us

are you human man or mouse

I'm sorry this illusion has caused you a lot of pain...

Bye for now - I'm at a loss for words actually
I don't understand
it's all Why like Annie Lennox sings

torsdag 5 november 2015

Remember - Plastic Ono Band

John Lennon wrote Remember 1970, it's a song with lyrics about an angry young man and has part of the poem from long time ago Guy Fawkes a historical reference to remember, remember the fifth of november. The piano play I recall from some other song. Which song? I can't remember.

Little could Lennon have known about todays anonymous on the tweety that has the Guy Fawkes mask on.

Some Halloween goers have had that mask on. V for Vendetta has also a Guy Fawkes mask in play.
I'm not sure but the movie was good, a bit of a riddle, beautiful Nathalie Portman was there.

References is supposed to be good to have when searching for a job, if it were about intertextuality instead I would be great at connecting the dots methinks.

Anyhow anywhere anytime, anywhere anyhow anyway,
anything goes

torsdag 17 september 2015

Fugee this and that

Refugees welcome to this land. Svea land.

Them come in buses and refuse to take step of and live in the house they're offered.

'cause you're worth it -

The fugees was refugees once. Now Wyclef Jean has worked with Avicii "Divine Sorrow"

World wide recognition for some

What happened with the woman in the fugues? Is it not harder to come by as a woman in the

showbiz industry?

I wondered today if people grow up to be like their pets. I had a cat for eighteen years.

So now I'm sort of a catwoman. I don't own any other pet I just find myself a bit catlike,

seeing in the dark and having the mood of I'm alright by myself. Don't mind me,

I'm just taking care of me... is it not worrying?

There are people that have had to leave their homes, it was not a mere forest fire or

a volcano that erupted. No they have tried to live just like us with their cars,

computer, exotic food but they've had one problem that differ from us, me,

people living, born in Sweden, a country that have had peace for some years.

They live in a war zone. You might not quite understand this if you

have never been to war. Some help out because they can. Some just pay up.

Some concerts to come  for charity. The other day the papers warned for those that

have false accounts for helporganization.

I'm thinking of baking a new recipe but all my energy is going to school

which is do printmaking then my sparetime goes into doing editing a webpage

(sort of) I was supposed to work on it tonight but there is no quiet space

where I'm at all so... I'm ficked. (So the chance of being somewhere near to finished

with that webpage by sunday is not so much)

Somehow the music playing turns from Wyclef Jean singing 911, to Bono & Pavarotti

 singing Ave Maria to U2 & Mick Jagger singing Stuck in a moment You can't get out of 

It's just a moment for me.

I remember what a friend, that had escaped from his home country, told me

about how he got down into the cellar where the washing machine where and

could go round in circles all while the washing machine was doing his laundry

just remembering how he was in a jail cell in Turkey some years ago as small

place as that room where the washing machine stood, maybe he got hit by the guards or just left

alone for a while. He was still waiting for the papers to be citizen and was unemployed

with dreams of becoming a taxi driver. Still no drivers license last time I saw him.

The young boy had escaped by the mountains, left his mother and father, some sisters behind,

been told to leave so that he wouldn't have to be a soldier in that awful war when he reached the

right age. So he escaped and became a refugee.

Tomorrow I will go to printmaking school again. Will a picture be made up that can save the world?

Maybe just writing the words could help a little. Prayers don´t they help? No peace don't come easy.

Good man Kjell Bergqvist, swedish actor helped the refugees. Volounteer I say.

fredag 14 augusti 2015

The love of comedy

Ricky Gervais thanked God for making him an Atheist on the Golden Globes a couple of years ago. It's all online for anyone to see for anytime amusement. There are so much fun to see anytime, anywhere if you got a connection to the world wide web somehow through a cellular phone or smart phone or ipad or computer device, apparently a Apple watch would suffice for you to get the latest news or whatever you wish for from the messages, why not get stress for being so up to date and always available? 

As I bicycled through the park on my way home from the store I saw this two young girls sitting in the grass on a blanket dressed like teens in hiphop-stylish outfits. They could be just sunbathing or talk gossip with each other but I got amazed that both girls lay there beside each other fingering on a smartphone of some sort. Each in their own world. What is the matter with the world today? I say phone away. I mean throw away that devlish thing that so overtake the eyesight of young people. Ok I'm old. Meeting with another person is eye to eye and talk, reminisce and so fort. I would not gaze for another like or whatnot in that meeting with my girlfriend. When I was young we interacted all the time because the cellphone was not mainstream. I did not own one until like 15? And I am glad I didn't have it then now. All kinds of trouble - thinking phone youngsters adult - it can do. It was not there, therefor it is not missed.

One part of me appreciate the way the technology moves forward and because of it humans may come more together as the new technology gets cleaner and free and supposedly mankind will be able to survive the fact that the world is getting overpopulated and therefor over production won't matter as there might be needed fewer things in the future.  One must hope that the saying less is more will come into everyones mind. The ecological footprint for the rich countries is bad enough so that one hopes that the other part will not get all the rich peoples things because then there so would be too much products world wide. I'm sad for all the trash that has been thrown in the ocean. That I learned from QI se05 ep01.

You live you learn. There are truths to be told in the comedy. Serious matters gets a bit of space needed and people learn about themselves through it. The laughter is joyful because of the recognition of "I have been there" or "I've done that too" or just how funny that man fell over. I laugh at the unexpected and absurd situations. Have a laugh a day, thats the best medicine? There is so much to be thankful for and that's that. I've read a lot of self-help stuff but the only thing that fits is the buddhist way methinks. 

onsdag 12 augusti 2015

I'm gardening today

- I saw a bird flying away with a worm in its mouth today.

- Don't you mean that you saw a bird with a snake in its mouth today?

- No, what is it with you and all these double entendres?

Sade - No ordinary Love

Wondering about storytelling? Me too. 

I prefer to leave space for imagination, fill in the character for urself. 
Is it a man to man conversation? Or it two old ladies? Or a boy to a girl?

 I don't know.  But the story changes by the character. By who says this or that. 
Whispering or talk it out loud. And how is it said? 

Is it in a bedroom or outdoors? Where is it said. 
In a pub between two personas or walking in the park

But I prefer to leave it open like a poem, like a comic line sort of whatisitcalled? Oneliner. 

Short poem or Short storytelling? Short snort

Short snort?

Yeah short snorting of laughter story (if that is a word in english language)

But it isn't funny. If you can't hear the way it's said it isn't funny. 
Jokes are a visual experience are they not?

to be continued...
Make Love not war

torsdag 6 augusti 2015

Everyday there is something to remember

Summer is here

- Today it is time to remember the bomb that fell over Hiroshima 70 years ago.
  It is all over the twitter. You can see interview of some of the survivors on the BBC News.

- Who cares? That something happened so long ago. A world war will never happen again.
We have learned our lesson. Thanks Einstein, inventor of the atom bomb. It stopped the war.

- No it didn't! It just made the Japan surrender to the Americans. Then the cold war was holding Sovjet and America on the edge. Then the war did not end until recently, when the Berlin wall fell down.

- But that was 1990's it is at least 25 years ago?

- Yes it is that recently. As a environmental interested I see the years as seconds or less.
The beginning of the universe was a long time ago. The dinosaurs happened some time ago.
The age of the human race is a fart. A loud fart and since the invention of the nuclear power plants and freons a quite smelly and toxic fart for mother Earth.

You can see interviews of the survivors of Hiroshima on various news sites. It really happened. A 6km diameter wide cloud was seen from the place that bomb was dropped. All over the streets people ran for their lives. A doctor that saw that cloud went into the Hiroshima hospital tent to help the burned victims. He layed bandages and whatnot on the patients to soothe, heal and treated thousand patients that day, couple of weeks later all was dead and the doctor chose to quit his job. Haunted by the day the bomb fell he can remember and tell about it to the camera photographer 70years on.

Don't mention the war. I began school as the wall fell down. I still remember the poster on the door in my first classroom. I saw the date of Berlin wall fallin, apparently it was an accident that made the reporter/ politician was it? tell everyone to smash it down. A lucky misinterpretation of the television viewers made people gather to take the wall down brick for brick Nov 9. 1989. That is when the war ended methinks.

In Sweden we have had this weekend some people gathering to take down the Sweden Democrats commercial for against the immigration, about 12000 people signed up for going to demonstrate against the right winged rather unnecessary commercial banderolls telling about how beggars are unwanted in Sweden. People need to be. One says why are we to have them Romanians here to sit and beg for money to get a ticket to go home again. They did not sit and beg for money here before. What are they doing here on our streets, begin for money instead of being in their home country working? What is it that doesn't work in Romania? Why Sweden democrats? What is wrong with some people?

The Japanese has worked 70years for Peace. No anger, just sorrow. There is a peace concert in Hiroshima now in 2015.

I wonder if they will play John Lennons - Imagine?

onsdag 5 augusti 2015

I'm interested in fresh water in the Future

Hey Donald D'ck, guess what I'm on about? Kalle Anka, Mr Kalle Trump skulle det kunnat vara, oh thats funny. I saw the BBC News this morning how a lady reporter went through the buildingsite for Rio Olympics with the mayor. It is not yet finished, for London Olympics were one year ahead of the big games for the sportsmen to practice in the readymade arenas. I was appalled to learn that so much dirt is let out into the water freely in the city Rio, it is sad for the Environment that there is bad cleaning support system over there. 
The plastic man Boyan Slat is amazing. Now someone need to invent better filter system for water. A big poopa scoopa before the Olympics in Rio. Wait it already exist? Most rich countries have good sewer system, for example Paris have that wondrous tunnel for cleaning. Why shouldn't Rio? If people cared they would summon the effort needed for getting the game on cleaner. Fresh water. How on Earth will one get fresh water in ten years time? Can you imaging to have to pay for a drop of water? It's raining here today..  

Juegos Olímpicos de 2016 en Río
Río Os parece ser una sucia. El agua no es potable. En Suecia es hasta ahora el agua dulce pero es sólo 1 millón de habitantes en Estocolmo como parte del agua. Cada municipio tiene plantas de tratamiento de aguas residuales, cada lago cuenta con plantas de tratamiento de agua en Suecia. Es importante disponer de agua limpia para la higiene y los tiempos. Estoy preocupado por la cantidad de personas estarán en la ciudad de Río, cómo van a hacer frente a la higiene cuando los residentes de la ciudad hoy en día no puede hacerlo. para volcar las heces directamente al mar sin limpiar obras son absurdas.
2014 se jugó el Mundial de Fútbol en Río, ya que la ciudad tiene para ella, pero los Juegos Olímpicos son también deportes acuáticos como canotaje, natación y piragüismo, que requiere agua limpia.
Deben los deportes acuáticos se pueden establecer para la seguridad en los Juegos Olímpicos en el 2016? la ciudad de Río no aprende purificado agua en un año, si se produce, no un milagro. El agua en el lago Vallentuna cerca de donde yo vivo no ha sido capaz de convertirse en saludable pesar de décadas de intentos de limpiar el lago poco profundo. En Suecia, tenemos la palabra moderación.
Gracias a Google tranlsate para la traducción mientras que una lección de gramática española / portuguesa.
Yo nunca he estado en América del Sur, pero mi corazón late por la selva, por cada árbol talado, me muero un poco. Es pulmones selva tropical de la Madre Tierra. Quiero dejar de comprar soja si eso ayuda, pero la mayoría es la demanda china de soja que controlan el mercado.
Muchos arroyos pequeños que conducen a un río importante, dejar de selva tropical devastadora de lo contrario vengar la madre tierra. No, ella va a estar bien, en cualquier caso, pero es una lástima que el hombre...

2016 Jogos Olímpicos no Rio parece ser um sujo. A água não é potável. Suécia é até agora a água fresca, mas apenas 1 milhão de habitantes em Estocolmo, como parte da água. Cada município tem plantas de tratamento de esgoto, cada lago tem estações de tratamento de água na Suécia. É importante ter água limpa para a higiene e os tempos. Estou preocupada com quantas pessoas vão estar na cidade do Rio, como eles vão lidar com a higiene quando moradores da cidade hoje não pode. para despejar fezes directamente para o mar sem limpar obras são absurdas.
   Copa de 2014 foi disputada no Rio, como a cidade tem para ela, mas os Jogos Olímpicos são também desportos aquáticos, como canoagem, natação e canoagem, exigindo água limpa.
Desportos aquáticos deve ser definido para a segurança nos Jogos Olímpicos em 2016? a cidade de Rio aprende água purificada em um ano, se ocorrer, não um milagre. A água do lago Vallentuna perto de onde eu moro não tem sido capaz de tornar-se saudável, apesar de décadas de tentativas de limpar o lago raso.
A Suecia, tenemos la palabra moderación. Graças ao Google tranlsate de tradução, enquanto uma lição de gramática Espanhol / Português.
Eu nunca fui para a América do Sul, mas meu coração bate por selva, para cada árvore derrubada, eu morro um pouco. É pulmões floresta tropical da Mãe Terra. Eu parar de comprar soja se isso ajuda, mas a maior é a demanda chinesa por soja que controlam o mercado.
muitos pequenos riachos que levam a um grande rio’
parar de floresta tropical devastadora caso contrário vingar a Mãe Terra. não, ela vai ficar bem em qualquer caso, mas é uma pena que o homem...

Yep, you worry if you do and you worry if you don't.
Feel compassion, say - May you not suffer.
Be happy, say - May you be happy

tisdag 21 juli 2015

I heard the news today

I so do not care for what the politicians say, listened to this song by Sting & the Police 
which I agree with

Lyrics goes like (without the do de dahs) I don't care for the politicians.
I check out the lyrics and this verse I was thinking of

Poets, priests and politicians
Have words to thank for their positions
Words that scream for your submission
And no one's jamming their transmission
And when their eloquence escapes you
Their logic ties you up and wraps you

De do do do, de da da da
Is all I want to say to you

Read more:  Sting - De Do Do Do, De Da Da Da Lyrics | MetroLyrics 

Then the song ends with words are meaningless 
and that I think not is, do de da doesn't mean anything. 

But funnily enough many lyrics have been written rather indirect political agenda like
Some Beatles songs are very wordly political oriented (now Hey Jude is not about the Jew but it was it translates to in Swedish) My fav Beatles song is Come together because it has that kind of a zing to it or it is the News song I like better - A day in the life is good song too.

Another person that has written songs a little bit under the influence is Cornelis Vreeswijk,

he was from Holland originally but he has become a Swedish national bard, his songs have 

been sung by every school children (at least when I went there some years ago) I had this 

idea of translating his music to english and found out that he has already done the opposite 

he translated some verses from English to Swedish but he did it with his words and twisted 

them to be entertaining. Incestvisan that he translated he got awarded a prize for from a 

swedish female magazine for have written the most horrible manschauvinistiska song that 

year. That it was about incest was enough for him to get the award but then he told that the 

original writer of the song was female Buffy Saint Marie, that he Cornelis himself talked to 

and got permission to translate the song from her: The incest song, that she learned from 

her grandmother, a real navajoindian. Then Cornelis sings the song all ends well since there 

been some misunderstanding in the family about who was who's father...

So one can look into more information thanks to the internet and Buffy is still touring the world, 

apparently she wrote the song "Up where we belong" that became a film soundtrack for "An officer 

and a gentleman" which is Richard Gere like, that´s my grandmothers favorite actor. 

So one comes from politicians I care not for to, to the things one do care about, family. 

That scene is so Simpsons now. Homer carries Marge through the toxic power plant, Its funny how the cartoons or animations so rule the world at the same time terrifying because a new generation has no recollection of that original screenplay. Education is therefor very important. Learn something new everyday why don't you? 
Do de da words meaningless up where we belong...  
Rest in peace, Vila i Frid, Robert Broberg, visans välgörare i Öken - Ajöken 

lördag 18 juli 2015

pondering once more climatecrisis

- So how was dinner?
- Fine. It went swell everything Delicious, BBQ, sunny evening, red wine, whiskey,
- How was the company?
- Erm, well they are nice, really the girls are sweet but it's this one guy...
- What now?
- You see eventually the conversation comes to immigration and he has had a difficult time with close encounter with immigrants, that is he has been robbed and is a little bit angry at all of them thief's and after two drinks or more the whole anger? is let loose. So it was a nice dinner up until one point. Noone can make him calm, he wants you to agree with him but I can't. He talks like Mein Kampf and I don't know what to do really.
- Live for tomorrow, the future, remember the past and use what you learned about yesterday to make a better tomorrow.

- Immigrants my friend talked like Donald Trump, his arguments got to the level of Donald Trump talking about the mexicans. So out there, arguing for what against what? Could have change the subject somehow?

In recent daily news: Jon Stewart mocks Donald Trump for his stupidity/other point of view. It's entertaining.

The Dalai Lama hast turned 80 years of age and visited Glastonbury festival to celebrate with the people. Amazing.

It's snowing in Australia, Queensland for the first time since 1984.

How about the climate crisis?

The swedish professor Johan Rockström told all about it in his Sommarprat(summer speech/talk) July. 12 last week (swedish radio program where ordinary people and also celebs get to have one radioshow during the summertime, they get to tell their story for an hour and play their favorite music and the radioprogram goes on air for one and all swedes to listen to, interesting hosts sometimes, shitty music most times).
  Basically I found out that I know most of how much in danger the earth is from doing my own research over the years, overconsumption and overuse of energy is big problem.
But I learned now that the centigrades is of much interest to keep low.
2 degrees above average and the ices will melt, rise of the sealevel
4 degrees above average and crops will die which will mean less food.
The north pole and south pole is kind of earths cooling system, the white snow and ice reflects most of the suns heat back out to space. The heat from our overuse of energy is taken by the sea, mother Earth will do just fine, but for us humans it is not looking so good. This generation is the last that can make a change, in 50 years time or by 2100 there must have been a change for the better.
I'm glad that the world leaders are about to meet and talk about global common goals for the wellbeing of the planet this year. I do hope they come to an agreement. There is not much time.

Stop usage of fossil fuels I tell you we can make it in a green way, sustainability. Like permaculture.

Everything is politics you know. Even the pope cares about the climate now. OK? 
Good night sweetheart its time to go

torsdag 16 juli 2015

Lyme disease, what is it?

- I saw that video of Avril Lavigne being sad about the doctor that laughed in her face instead of taking her serious. I've seen that kind of crying before so I know it was real tears and it hurts one to not be understood, to be overwhelmed by feelings when one has been stepped on. One feel sadness whenever one self has been used without consent. Now I wonder about why it had to become public.

- But of course it had to become public! Now it is possible to move forward in the struggle of lyme disease!

- What is lyme disease? (google translate lyme disease is : borrelia in swedish) Aha! Well of course that is true it is a worrysome time every summer as the ticks(fästingar) awake from their winter slumber. It's all over the news every spring, beware of the ticks and remember to get ur vaccination.

- You can get vaccinated against borrelia?

- NO, there is no protection against it, Borrelia is a germ or bacteria that has been on earth for millions of years, its one of the old diseases. But you can protect yourself against TBE which some ticks also carry around thats what the vaccine is for. And if you got Borrelia you can get medicine like antibiotics to stop it some what but be careful with getting not antibiotic unnecessary because them bacteria is starting to get multiresistent because of the overuse of it.

- Oh we're doomed. Nothing new under the sun. I think that's a saying from the bible. Ticks, how many ticks are there? Where are they?

- Do you remember the program "Mitt i Naturen" (in the middle of nature great swedish television show that explores nature) That handsome man walked in the woods with a white sheet and was deliriously happy over getting so many ticks on that white sheet to show you - the viewers - how the extraordinary ticks is hiding in the wide open in the woods.

- But my brother got borrelia (lyme- disease) just from a run around the lake?

- Yes the little fästing (tick) sit and wait on a grass straw for years until an animal or human passes by for it to jump on. So that is why you put on clothes when we're going to the forrest to pick chanterelles and blueberries. Socks on. Long legged trousers, long sleeves.

- And mosquito salva (cream) It hurts when the mosquito bites.

- Yes, when you're little it hurts more but as you get older you won´t feel it as much.

- I hate mosquitos, whatever are they good for? Whatever are the ticks good for?

- They have their place in nature for sure. Imagine a world without worries for the little things...

- I can't. I'm glad I don't have a cat anymore for the ticks did get into the bed then, from the cat being outdoors and then sleeping in my bed. Can you imagine what it's like for the dogs? Picking ticks of 'em all.

- Yes, poor animals. Have you seen the mango worms? Don't, it gives you nightmares.

So theres no cure for Borrelia(lyme) yet and it's older than most bacteria in nature. So basically nothing to worry about. I get maybe one or two ticks crawling on me every summer from walking in the woods or tall grass in Roslagen, Sweden. It has become a ritual to take the tick of carefully by its head with tweezers(pincett) and then burn it with a match into an ashtray of some sort(while laughing death in the face). Be cautious and notice if there is a red mark around the bite place on the skin couple of days later then it might be lyme disease.

Chill out it's summer! Go out pick blueberries with proper clothes on, walk the dog, do whatever.

torsdag 25 juni 2015

The dispute

This is Mamas meeting with the angry young man while the other two is calming affects.

He stood there with his arms crossed on the veranda as the three women went up the hill to

meet him. Mama started with plump words. He argued back from irritated to aggressive words

almost raised hand to hit, then her friend jumps in which he doesn´t know for to ask him to

calm down.

Just words were flying across about history past events and how someone should have

done this and that. Accusations with no reality connection.

Would you like some coffee?
- No thanks we're not staying.
- No, I don't want any.
- No (wish I could say yes but I can not cross them, her eyes says)

He walks inside and comes out again with a strange cigarette holder with liquid in it

and sits down on the sofa outdoors.

- What is that? the young woman wonder pointing at the strange cig.

- Electric cigarett, want some?

- No I don´t smoke (is it not something else he´s smoking? she wonders on)

Now he's relaxed.

- You didn´t have to come here, you could just have made a phone call.

- We needed to see what has been done to this place, I took the lawn mover with in the car, but see

you have cut the grass, wanted to see how you are doing  of course. I am taking some laundry from

here. We come back in so and so time when vacation start. Some people work hard all year and

then want to get some spare time at the summer cottage, we´ll have friends as sleepover guests as


- I´ll find some other place to be.

Oh, I forgot to show him the bills, mama says on the way home (but last time we showed them to him he just send them over to grandma and she can't pay and we don't want to upset grandma do we) You look fine could have been said. Looking at the flowers in a garden café. That is the look of a smooth criminal. 

söndag 21 juni 2015

Take the other to lunch - TED talk

I'm preparing myself for a meeting tomorrow with the other mentally. Came across Elizabeths Lessers TED talk video and I think it's a good starting point for getting to know this person I'm to meet..

Here's some transcript of the video

Elizabeth Lesser, writer, healer, Meet the other. TED talk Take the Other to lunch” In each one of us there is multiple worlds. The Mystic part. The optical delusion of everyday according to Einstein.  Shod, positive energy is what we need

Conversation. Martin Luther King Jr I can never be what I ought to be until you are what you ought to be (the interrelated structure of reality) Mother Teresa - the problem with the world is that we draw the circle of our family to small. Ubuntu. I need you in order to be me and you need me in order to be you.
Don’t persuade, defend or interrupt, be curious, be conversational be real and listen. - Share some  of your life experiences with me. - What issue deeply concern you - What have you always wanted to ask someone from the other side Relevance to any problem anywhere -ask - Why her side does such outrageous allegations and lies about my side?
-what she asks.. -Like about being elitist ..she thought my side beat up more on her side - calling her brainless guntoading racists marveled nothing true to them nearest people sows trust now, believe speak up in our own communities when witnessing otherizing taunt. Persian poet Rumi - Out beyond ideas wrongdoing and right doing there is a field I’ll meet you there

I  need you like you need me. I cannot be my best self if you are not you are your best self.  She reads the title from some books with negative words - telling bad energy is nothing good, positive energy is what we need. More optimism than pessimism right.

in swedish/på svenska Jag behöver dig liksom du behöver mig. Jag kan inte vara på topp om inte du är det.
Elizabeth Lesser, författare, healer. Pratar om att möta den andre i ett TED talk med titeln Ta den andre på lunch. Inom oss finns det flertalet världar. En mystiker och en vetenskaplig - Konversation. 
Martin Luther King Jr sade det "Jag kan aldrig bli den jag är ämnad att bli om inte du är den du är ämnad att vara", vilket är ett perfekt exempel på den interrelativa strukturen av verkligheten. Moder Teresa sade det att "problemet med världen är att vi ritar cirkeln kring familjen alltför litet." Sedan Nelson Mandela hade ett uttryck från Ubuntu som går "Jag behöver dig för att kunna vara mig själv och du behöver mig för att kunna vara dig själv." 
I mötet med den andre presenterar Elizabeth Lesser tre riktlinjer men säger först Försök inte övertala, försvara eller ta över den andre. Var nyfiken, pratsam, ärlig och lyssna. Frågor att ta till diskussion när du tar den andre på lunch.
- Dela några av dina livserfarenheter med mig.                                                                                 
- Vad tycker du är viktigaste frågan på agendan? 
- Vad har du alltid velat fråga någon från den anda sidan?                                       
Relevant för vilket problem som helst är frågan varför har din sida så starka anklagelser och lögner om min sida? - den ene tycker den andre läxar upp denne mera någon kallas hjärndöd. Förundran, inget sant för deras närmast sörjande så nu känner de forna fienden tillit till varandra och de fann gemensamt att tala om i de egna lägren när pratet om "den andre" blommar upp. 
Persiske poeten Rumi skrev en gång Bortom våra idéer om vad som är rätt och fel finns det ett fält, vi träffas där. 
Undras om hon hört talas om "den Isländska metoden" som jag läst om i konflikthanteringskursen. Redan i kindergarten börjar uppfostringen av barn och de ges möjlighet att prata öppet om vad de känner och hur de känner efter vad som hänt på skolgården på veckans samling. De lär sig att vara mer omhändertagande ((funderar om det är för att de är så få invånare på Island - kultur och miljö))

torsdag 11 juni 2015

Han byggde ett 57 vånings torn på bara 19 dagar

Chairman Zhang byggde mini Sky tower i Kina med en stålkonstruktion som ska tåla jordbävningar.

Hans anställda får sjunga den egen gjorda jobbsången varje morgon sedan bygger de hus efter

mekano modell så mycket som tre våningar om dagen med färdig gjorda moduler som bara är att

pussla in i varandra. De mer avancerade delarna har vatten och avlopps system, elektricitettrådar

och lufttrumma färdiginstallerat.

Han byggde ett 57 vånings byggnads komplex på bara 19 dagar (fast han hade ett uppehåll på ett år

mellan de första 20 våningarna på en vecka 2014 och de sista 27 våningarna i februari detta år)

Men är det säkert? Inget fönster skulle gå att öppna så jag hoppas verkligen att ventilationen

fungerar fullt ut då. Zhangs företag bygger främst ventilation som säljs till flertalet länder

Det finns till val på byggnaderna som inomhus fiskdamm, inomhus jordbruk, sky garden,

helikopterplatta eller varför inte en swimming pool. De som köper får välja om de vill ha ett dagis, ett

museum eller hotel. Grunden är densamma.

Ifall detta  att leva vertikalt fungerade skulle mer landområde kunna lämnas i sitt naturliga tillstånd.

Men är det inte skrämmande med att få huset klart på bara 19 dagar?

Effektiva Kina. I en konversation med en granne i Visby så pratades det mycket om hur Kina

redan är världsledande och i framtiden lär Kina äga mer av hela världen då de satsar stort.

Bara i förra veckan fick jag höra att vill jag göra en konstbok så är Kina en bra marknad att börja.

Missförstod kanske och bara att tillverkning skulle bli billigare via Kina. Någonting med öst och

bättre villkor för en blivande fotobok författare iaf.

Och framtidens språk lär bli något av en engelsk dialekt med spår av kinesiska i ett avsnitt av teve

 programmet QI. 18 min in på programmet talas det om framtidens språk.

- The language of the future appears to be Panglish (Pan-English). 80% of people who speak English as their second or third language speak Panglish. A similar version is Singlish, which is a mixture of English, Chinese and Malay. Words in Singlish include "Lay leo" which is "Radio", "Lolex" is "Rolex" and "Orleng tzu" is "Orange juice".

QI The Future s06e09

But later on there is said in one episode of QI that 60% of what has been shown in the well researched QI shows over the years are now untrue. New science push the truth of yesterday forward. 

söndag 7 juni 2015

I'm on a mission now

Daylie life -

Assignment: Get a sales advert for an old sofa that is occupying my room

Make it yourself. I started out a month ago, just one day, took the photo from above, from the sides

started the writing of describing, making prize setting, just under one hour it took

then the person that wanted the ad changed her mind.

Today its on again. I'm not up for it - my day is full

re assignment Thanks mom for have giving me the gift of being uncertain, not quite sure of anything

I'm sure of one thing I've learned is to get anything done I have to do it myself. But somehow I am

too polite to get anywhere.

- No, you are just a shy guy. Listen to this: Have mercy

Diana King - Shy Guy

söndag 24 maj 2015

Eurovision in Guiness book of World record

Congratulations to Måns Zelmerlöw for the winning in Eurovision

that were yesterday and/or this morning as the result were in like eight hours ago

And congratulations Eurovision to be 60 years going strong for building bridges

between European countries I guess it has learned people

 to count to twelve in french and english language

and music is not politics

it is just a song contest between mostly European countries

joined together each year and some more countries joins in occasionally

Australia with us this year of celebration and they did good

Loved the three italian men singing about the Grande Amore 

this year (they got the third place after Russia)

Songs of Love tends to be winners of the ESC

Analyze this (as you do occasionally/ often/ always):

songs about heroes

In the winning song this years ESC15

Måns Zelmerlöw is singing in the refrain that

"We are heroes of our time 

but we're dancing with the demons in our minds"

Like today we all are heroes 2015

but yesterday there was another song

Hero by David Bowie released 1977

back then singing "we can be heroes just for one day"

sounds more real to strive for being a hero for one day

There is a lot of heroes walking along today or

there has always been heroes around in history I had a deeper thought but I forget

lets say dancing like heroes today is a point made that we just want to celebrate now

dance whatever in la Suede but the message from Romania

the group Voltaj sang De la capat - All over again about children left at home

while the parent work in other countries to get income

message that show well the lyrics in the songs have subtext

in my point of view perhaps I am wrong 

I loved the Estonia song too Goodbye to yesterday

anyhow my favourite Hero song that I have sung the most is that of

Mariah Carey released 1993 when I was ten years old

I like those lyrics "there will be tomorrow in time you'll find a way"

and the line "that a hero lies in you"

Neither Mariah Carey or DaBow has been in Eurovision as far as I know

but its music all the same that colors the air 

lördag 23 maj 2015

the stupidity of mankind

so I hear about the church of Scientology

and I have avoided it because of all things that has been said

Now today I watch documentary of the Scientology

so I now know where I stand in the matter

That made up brainwashing organisation is not for me

One segment I tell ya is this former member tell about the Hole

where they one day got to do this game of chairs in a room where

the last man standing would be the one to stay

the game was played to the tune of Bohemian Rhapsody by Queen

(I dislike that fact becoz from now on I´ll associate a scientology terror game to this song I love ) 

but the chief of the thing then after the game was over changed his mind

they had torn clothes and bruises fighting to stay

Most upsetting about the church of scientology is the fact how they handle the information they get

 from the so called clearing sessions which basically is telling to a lie detector everything you know

and being recorded doing so and having a person that after that mark out significant words

to be kept in a special archive

but it is called going to an ateur

it has a fancy name to disguise what it really is

like a Sigmund Freud sofa session

but this auteur is then very interested and questioning all kind of things

brain washing

I don't like that no don't care for having someone else telling me what to think about something

and the way they handle controversy by attacking the subject

taking bad news with fining even more bad news about the opponent

I like Buddhism better always it is about finding the good within oneself

and thinking positive and meditate and accepting oneself in good manners

The scientologists in the Hole was being treated badly like

for example that girl get harassed by V in Vendetta 

they were at this special level ye and sheer

group pressure - grupptryck - what it can mean in english?

made them agree to things like you do when your in bootcamp for example

and these people paid for it to get there and as the chair game went on

they fought for being able to stay in that place

the Scientology sounds to me like a big psychiatry trial/ try out/ experiment

The Founder Hubbard was a man with a plan and he only wanted to earn some living and

he had to go into hiding his last years of living to hide from the tax man

Its organisation is like that of the mafia

praise all that are for and make pressure on those that are not

Lately some names have left the scientology after eye-opening happenings

and those who leave get left out of the society they've been in

all so called friends leave because in the name of S-

you cannot leave the organisation without consequences

there were examples in the documentary of things that

keeping the peoples confessions in writing to be able to use it if needed later

barely 50 000 people as followers to this sekt this day I don't know

What to learn from this? L Ron Hubbard managed to create his 'religion'

or what I prefer to call it a tax free business that he got with some help

from other money crazy men and with money crazy I mean those thinking of coins/

matter more than the actual spiritual benefit

His own son has written a revealing book apparently Ron deWolf

saying lets have all the facts out and let the people decide

oh yeah on a positive note if you tell someone all your secrets and inner thoughts you can

possibly/probably gain a sense of euphoria which is nice to know

although I would prefer to spill the beans to a close friend rather than

some man sitting with a machine asking a lot of follow up questions

In a free world it doesn't matter who you are or were you're from 

or what your beliefs are as long as it´s about love 

and love is free


SVT play dokumentär
om scientologin

söndag 10 maj 2015

sweet memories

- You remember the good times right?

- Yes of course I do, though I worry for tomorrow

- What about?

- Oh its nothing really I am just worrying for everything

- You can not be more specific?

- Well, there was this thing I saw on the telly, you know its silly really

- Tell me more

- You know there was this professor Brian Cox that was invited to talk about what worries him the

most in the whole world and what he said got me thinking, just so. Jimmy Carr was first making

jokes, then Brian Cox walks in and tells about his list of the end of the world worries from five to

one. Theres a volcano, a komet, the plague amongst worries and at the top of the list is according to

the professor, the stupidity of humans

- Oh, darling, that is nothing for you to worry about! What are the chances of that volcano to erupt?

Or the komet to hit earth? Very tiny. The stupidity of mankind is a bit that really doesn't matter either.

You go on, do what you can do, teach -er

- Ye, one can only hope for the next generation to become better at sustainability...

Oh I remember being a child and having no worries at all,
it was bliss to play with my neighborhood girlfriends all day long
until dinnertime came and a parent called me home again
To be cared for, dressed up, fed, brushed hair - like a living doll

Now I am in transition - or on a train station perhaps
just thinking about where does the next train go?
Am I even on the right platform?
Should I even take a train when there are 99 luftballons?

Sweet memories of times soon forgotten
or are they replaced by worries?

You worry if you do
You worry if you don't


måndag 4 maj 2015

in the news april

There was this interview I fell for. In Swedish television there is a program called Agenda and there

was an interview Anna Hedenmo had with a muslim woman that spoke for the change of Islam, a so

called reform that is needed in her opinion and I do agree with her.

She has written a book Heretic: Why Islam needs a reformation now and is promotiong the five

things she thinks is needed for the peaceful religion to brome truly peaceful by

like christianity has already have subdued(?) to, I mean

like those of the bible religion have already made adjustment to fit the modern world, not all but most

in Europe at least, even the pope is trying to modernize things further.

It is now time for muslim, followers of the Koran to also do something about the old sayings

from a uncivilized era so many hundred years ago.

On the swedish tweets after the program there was not many comment about

her saying the focus got into what other was on the program

where some politicians spoke awkwardly about stuff.

But I found the interview with Ayaan Hirsi Ali. May God bless her for wanting to make a change for

the better.

Most human beings just want to go by their life

 its a democracy that is being challenged

Status quo if you want to call it such is being challenged and its being questioned

which has being goin on for a long time but it is building up and as its building up

it is extremely important that we face up to the people whiten Islam who are taking us into

a direction where people are committing crimes against humanity

In the interview Anna Hedenmo ask

- Many muslims are hurt by your words about their religion 

they feel offended because to them Islam is a peaceful religion

How does it feel to hurt so many people?

Ayaan answers

 - I have to ask them What hurts you more Doesn't it offend you this young man 

in Saudi Arabia who is fighting for modernity and liberty and life before death 

and he is sentenced to one thousand lashes, a million riyal, ten years of prison. 

Don't you find that offensive? If you don't find that offensive 

what's wrong with your humanity?

She made me understand more of how come Raif Badawi has got into trouble, he also want

to make change of the religion to fit modern day and make it peaceful. But him blogging about it

made things bad. I can not believe it, because of one speaking his or her heart or mind out

should not have consequences like that what he got. In Sweden one of the four laws of foundation(?)

(grundlagarna) is the freedom of speech(yttrandefrihet), which means that you are allowed to speak

out your different point of view without being in any way punished by what it is you say (unless if its

hurtful to others ... blablabla.. and so fort - the text of the law goes on)

I don´t know what tomorrow brings

(Well, we're off to Holmhällar on the subject of Land art, 2 hour busdrive to the south of Gotland, so I'll be disconnected for a week or so...)

tisdag 24 februari 2015

This song was released one year ago today

I have had problem with the lyrics Take me to church
because I have come to grown up from believing to be a non believer..

It was somewhere when I was at sunday school as a 5yearold I think because the tale of the fish and bread that magically was enough to feed the thousands listening to Jesus speech at some mountain.

But I checked the lyrics to Hozier song and there saw the comments of the music video and in an interview Hozier himself has said that the song is about taking a distance from the Irish church and the hate crime against homosexuals. Love is for everyone. No matter who you are, where you´re from you should be loved.

There goes the text, thou shalt not have other Gods than me, written by a human author in the Bible(book of books) sometime in the 13th century as Gutenberg had invented printing books.
So there are other Gods then to choose from? I'm glad for that. I like the mythologies that have all kinds of Gods for every human behavior. In greek, hindu, northern Asatro and the Finnish Kalevala. 

One year ago I was at the beginning class of Buddhist meditation, which I found satisfying because it is the telling of wisdom that have been pondering on from 4000years ago by men mostly. To sit and breathe and think well of one and all. Its like affirmation that I first heard of on the Oprah Winfrey show actually. Is the affirmation word borrowed from the buddhist community?  

Come to think of it it might have been Metallica Enter Sandman lyrics that turned me from listening to prayers because as the lyrics goes "never mind that noice you heard" to the child praying. And at the same time Madonnas Prayer was also my favorite song as I grew up but I thought the name of the song was more like "take me there..."

måndag 23 februari 2015

Minnesvärt av Oscars 2015

Det var någonting en mörk man sa i sitt tacktal. Det har flugit ur minne nu men, 

Neil Patrick Harris var host och öppningsnumret vart fantastiskt för det var stora specialeffekter. Sedan blev det litet trolleri från han också vilket är uppskattat eftersom han är magiker. 
Filmen Whiplash fick ett pris, tacktalet var bra. J. K Simmons ansikte kände jag igen från någonstans. Han tipsade om att ringa ofta till sina föräldrar. 
" The above average children. Call your mom, call your mom and dad."
Ida blev prisad igen. Den polska filmen som fick pris på European Film festival i höstas med. 

På Oscarsgalan visas kort de priser som delades ut i höstas på the Governors award. 

När Patricia Arquette får pris för bästa kvinnliga biroll så talar hon för kvinnors jämlika löner i Förenta staterna.

Incartiourating? Det finns ännu ord som ej går att översätta. John Legend pratade om det svåra med segregation när han hade sitt tacktal för bästa låt.

Filmen The Grand Budapest Hotel blev prisad för bästa musik och Alexandre Desplat sade det att Wes är ett geni närs det gäller film. "Wes your a genius" 

The imitation game fick ett pris. Det var ett träffande tacktal av den märkbart tagne Graham Moore som ville inge hopp till tonåringar som har tankar om livet och döden. Det skulle kunna vara du som står på Oscargalans scen en dag.

Alejandro Innarritu fick hålla ett tredje tacktal och då tackade han allihop och pratade först  då en mening spanska "Mi todos mexican."

Sedan är det såklart Lady Gaga performance av Sound of music som blir minnesvärt och kramen hon får av Julie Andrews direkt efter som får stora applåder. Som Julie Andrews själv säger, det värmer hjärtat att höra den starka sångrösten

Reflektion: Mary Poppins(Julie Andrews) mötte mama monster(Lady Gaga). Maman finns på moderna Museet nu 
- Louise Bourgeois hade sina problem med moderskap då hennes nanny som vart hennes faders älskarinna. Maman är skulptur av en stor spindel - En giant spider syns på stage showen som David Bowie hade 1970-80-tal. Vilken spindel kom först?

European Film Award har inte sådant försnack på SVT som Oscarsgalan får fast det är självaste Ingmar Bergman som varit med och startat den filmgalan. Hur kommer det sig? 

lördag 21 februari 2015

I find inspiration elsewhere

A cup of coffee is supposed to be brewed with 15gram coffee to 250gram water
Or count 60gram coffee to one litre water. Pour some hot water over first and wait for it to go through, then pour over the rest of the water. 

Fulfilling work more than other. Now today work is supposed to be about meaning and satisfaction? 

1. Accept being confused about the choice of career is perfectly normal.  

In the old days there were maybe 2000 jobs to choose from, today there are 

half a million choices so we could be too anxious 

to make any choice at all. The paradox of choice

Confusion is natural and fear is entirely normal.

2. Know yourself is the oldest philosophical recommendation

Not having a plan makes you a victim to others plans

Learn how to find yourself - start parking money. 

Write down everything you ever done enjoy doing or making, weirder and more offbeat list the better 

- long and confused that follow will somewhere be the shape of an ideal future working self, 

but it will be very messed up, in need of being analysed thoroughly 

thats where philosophy comes in. 

Philosophy is the art of clearing up and demanding logic of our first thoughts

3. Think alot. If it takes couple of days maybe week choosing your car it may take a year or more of sustained 

daily reflection to find a career that fits. We tend to feel guilty about being self-indulgent. 

Far from it. We may need to empty every weekend for months to sort out the biggest conundrum of our lives. 

To make sure we don't continue to spend the rest of our lives trapped in a job unwittingly chosen for us by our unknown 16-year old self 

we need to be properly generous about the amount of time we’ll need to give this 

((note to self: start finding the career. ))

4. Try somethingWe understand ourself and others by colliding with the real world

5. Reflect on what makes people unhappy. Loosing house keys for example, 

find a solution by making a simple plan to make people happy again, be entrepreneur

6. Be confident. Have the courage to give it a go. Don't ask permission, a lack of confidence

understanding how done well works.

Transcript from Brainpickings video How to find fulfilling work

Den perfekta kaffekoppen enligt en barista
15 g kaffe 250g vatten - He på 50g vatten på filter först. Mörkt kaffe är bränt kaffe, så det som är starkare kaffe är de mellansmakerna för de är ej gjort av brända kaffebönor. Kaffebönor från Etiopien.
räkna 60g kaffe per en liter vatten.

Förr handlade jobbet mer om att ett åtagande, jobbet handlade om att bli gjort, 

att bli färdig för dagen mer än annat. Idag är jobbet tänkt att vara om ett meningsfullt lärande 

och gärna tillfredsställande.

1. Acceptera att vara lite konfunderad över ditt val av yrke för det är normalt. 

För länge sedan fanns det kanske bara 2000 yrken att välja från medan det idag finns

 en halv miljon yrkesval som ger dig oro för att ens göra ett val. 

Det kallas the ”paradox of choice” men förvirring är naturligt och rädsla är helt normalt. 

2. Att lära känna sig själv är den äldsta filosofiska rekommendationen. 

Ifall du inte har en planering blir du offer för andras planer. Lär hur du finner dig själv 

- börja spara pengar för att kunna satsa på dig själv. Skriv ned allt 

du någonsin haft glädje av att göra eller spendera tid på, mer knas och udda lista är bättre

 - en lång förvirrad lista följer kommer någonstans att vara konturerna av 

ett ideal framtida arbetande själv, men det kommer att vara en väldigt oreda i listan som behöver analyseras, 

och gås igenom och där passar filosofi bra in. 

Filosofi är konsten att klara upp och begära logik av vår allra första tanke. 

3. Tänk mycket. Om det tar ett par dagar, kanske en vecka att välja en ny bil så kan det ta ett år 

eller mer av en ihållen daglig reflektion för att finna en karriär som passar. 

Det händer att vi människor känner skam o skuld över att vara självupptagna, 

men det är inget fel i det. Du kanske behöver tömma varje helg för ett par månader för att 

sortera ut de största dilemman i våra liv. För att säkerställa att vi ej fortsätter spendera resten av 

våra liv fångade på ett jobb omedvetet valt åt oss av ett 16-årigt jag behöver vi vara rätt 

generösa med den tid som behövs för att hitta rätt jobb. 

4. Gör någonting. Vi förstår oss själva och andra bättre genom att kollidera med den riktiga världen. 

5. Tänk på vad det är som gör folk olyckliga. Något enkelt som att tappa husnycklarna. 

finn en lösning på problemen, gör en plan för att göra folk lyckliga igen, utgå från dig själv. 

Bli en entreprenör. 

6. Var självsäker. Finn modet att göra det. Fråga inte om lov (att göra något du vill) 

Det går bra att göra något av något som du ej förstår vidden av. 

(transkribering från en video på brainpickings.org och egen översättning av Linda Fröberg)

Min kommentar: Första punkterna går jag igång på liksom ja det är filosofi och logik sen kom den sista punkten och min trötta hjärna går in på en nyhetsnotis om en våldtäktsman eller är det för att det är nummer 6 framför? Uppmaningar i text. Översättningar är bra ibland... 
Bob Hund med Förvirring