fredag 29 juli 2016

in the news

Pope Francis told in an interview about recent events that the religion is not to blame for all of the bad

things happening. It is the others fault. The world is at war because it has lost its peace.  to avoid any 


Quote “I would just like to add one more thing by way of clarification: when I speak of 

war, I mean real war, not religious war I speak of a war of interests, over money, nature’s 

resources and the domination of peoples.” 

“I do no speak of a religious war. Religions,” he, Pope Francis, concluded, “all religions, 

seek peace. It’s others who want war. Understand?
I like that finishing line Capisce? or Do you understand? (If you look at the video of the interview the Pope speaks in italian/spanish)

There is a sentence I have returned to think of lately and I do not know the correct
 translation for it. It's a sentence from the play Ett drömspel  A Dream Play by 
August Strindberg(1849-1912). 
"Det är synd om människorna" says Indras daughter to her father upon the return 
home from a visit to Earth. At first before being to Earth, she is hopeful that love 
will conquer all, but after she listens to the anguished cries of humanity, 
experiences the pain of family life, and discovers that reform always will be stifled 
by the self-righteous, she can look on humanity only with compassion. She finally 
realizes that human beings are creatures who hopelessly harbor spiritual 
aspirations but are held down by the weight of their fleshly existence.
I come to the sentence "Poor Youth", in an english translation of the work, which 
is close enough. 
Det är synd om människorna - direct translation word by word - 
It is pitiful about humanity. That is what the daughter of Indra repeats in the play. 
Indra is apparently God from India. So August Strindberg must have read about 
other religions during his lifetime. The writer is known for his paintings of a 
stormy sea and dark clouds, and his books and his participation in the society of 
manly men, smoking cigarr, drinking and being angry. 
This is the mad writers dream done into a play, he was mad it's 
written down. It was a bewildering play for his time, with the not correct way of 
telling a tale. 
I have added to my films to watch list Ett drömspel (1963) by Ingmar Bergman
 becoz I don't fell like reading, which is a shame. Shame maybe 
even better translation of the swedish word synd. It's a shame about humanity
Like the godess return home to his father and says 'I visited Earth and oh boy it's, 
I feel sorry for them.' She feel pity and goes from feeling so hopeful to being 
disappointed. Lesson learned may be keep your expectations at an all time low.
(The title Ett Drömspel could also mean A game of dreaming
most swedish words have double nature meanings, it's hard to translate anything)
Anyhow. That string of words has come to mind last week, 
a play writers words Det är synd om människorna that could be translated to
 It's a shame about humanity or maybe even Poor souls

After have seen some of the YT of Comic con and I can say this. I am looking 
forward to the TV serie American Gods, I 've just read the book by Neil Gaiman 
and to see it becoming film is amazing. 
It started 8 years ago and will soon be 15 episodes, Sherlock.
Then I don't know about what otherwise was presented at the comic con
I just stop and stared at Jared Leto becoz I've had his pic from an OK magazine 
since I was tiny and now he plays the Joker in a film which name escapes me but 
I'll see it. 

"I dream therefore I exist"   August Strindberg

tisdag 26 juli 2016

Now I know three songs with pressure in it

and these three songs comes with different background stories and the word pressure is used in very

different meanings depending on from which time they're written. Don't you think that a word has

different meaning depending on in which time and space it is told?

Firstly came Under pressure(1981) by David Bowie and Queen/ Freddie Mercury,

and it became a hit  song in the 1980's.

It's about love and why can't we give ourselves one more chance and it's about

the whole world. During that time when Under pressure was written the Berlin Wall was still up as a

reminder of the 2nd world war,

I was in Berlin this May 2016 and and some of the wall is still there to this day(most of it was destroyed 9 sept 1989) to remind about that war and it is now there for tourists to take a look at and it seems harmless when it's just some broken wall but back in the day there was watchtowers and soldiers shooting those trespassing. And although that wall was there still people could go through, escaping from communist east to west.  

Freddie Mercury and David Bowie wrote the lyrics, improvised the song.

then I heard Pressure by Ylvis in 2012, (see that I'm ignoring the Vanilla Ice cover song?)

This is a rap with lyrics about put the right amount of pressure on it, 'cause you gotta know how to,

like you're in control, the funny lyrics turn into the meaning of the pressure of the weather, which fits

the Norweigan boys, talk about the weather is a daily business.

and today I heard No pressure with Ray Lamontagne, it seems to have been released this year ,

20 jan 2016.  The song is about how he doesn't want to see his loved one crying. It's rock n' roll and

that soothing voice of Ray. Anything you want to be you can be. It says not when it was written but

it's released like ten days after Bowies passing so I'm thinking about that.

And that is three songs about pressure that I've heard of. Cheers!

onsdag 25 maj 2016

No one is in Control said Zygmunt

In the news

 recently read about the election of Austria new leadership. I read the day before that the bad man

won so then I felt surprised and glad that it was not so the day after. So close between the rightwing

Norbert Hofer and an environmentalist Alexander Van Der Bellen. Alas, nature won over the strong

opinions from an angry man(and also almost 50% of the voters)

The article about the election in Austria tells me that two other European countries has a extrem

right leadership already, which is something to worry about. If you didn't care before I mean,

connected to this is the man whom visited Stockholm ten days ago, a man that has a lot to say about

the human society For me other news is Zygmunt Bauman, 91years old, is still alive,

a short interview is available on SVT (Swedish television), I so could have been listening to him IRL

if I wasn't jetlagged from the Berlin trip and happy to be home in the garden that sunday. I could go

on and on about how beautiful that city was and also filled with heavy memorabilia from the war, but

also green and bohemia that like vegan and bio-markets, its more to choose from that in Stockholm,

ecological and arts, picnic in the park. I've

seen the remains of the Wall that has so many songs written about it from like the Who, Bowie, Ebba

Grön to name a few. I left Berlin with memos from contemporary art and In the Hauptbahnhof museo

there was a video room where Cate Blanchett played 13 different characters that were synched in

moments, called Manifesto, I visited with my mates the site, Teufelsberg were some scenes had

been recorded with a view over Berlin. It was amazing abandoned but still entrance fee and graffiti

all over the place... [insert pictures here/link to album]

The old man that is Zygmunt tells about how evil has spread into society more broad then before,

and how technology has changed our society. His english speaking voice reminds me of

that of Count Dracula in Bram Stokers Dracula(1991), the way Gary Oldman talks.

To look at the swedish society shows really how things

are with a computerized wealthy place how the nature of sociability has become less and

more people are more stressed out and sure we are more connected online with cellphones

but at the same time more unavailable because of it.

He talked about power and politics. Power means make things done. The politics are there for to

decide what to be done. No one is in control. Things happen randomly.

What will the future be? There is always hope. Hope, yeah.

I like that the green party, the environmentalist won in Austria. There is still hope of a better future. 

Folklore: yesterday I read that Loki(Loke/Lodur) was the one that named Saturday/Lördag in

Swedish/northern society before the Christianity decided to change it. They kept the holy beings of

Sun(Sol), Moon(Måne), Tyr, Oden, Tor and Feja as naming the weekdays.

So it was OK to have the warrior God Tyr, God of wisdom and death Odin, God of Thunder and

Freja - the godess of love for friday but no to Loki, the giant creative/destructive (also most human

force) because the day in the roman calendar was Saturnus, so close to satan.

The church had a meeting the year 1153 in Nidaros and decided to change what for the priesthood

sounded like a satanic Lodursday to Laugardagen (a washing up/holy water day) for it to sound

alike. So what was taught in school was a lie. The Seventh day is no longer bathing day

it is Loki day.

I wonder how much more little lies there are written in books. I dare not think about it. 

No one is in control... 

but the people voted Ukraine to win ESC2016. 

"I could not spend my youth there

Because you took away my land

I couldn't have my homeland" 

translation of the difficult crimean tartar refrain

words the story of the singers aunt/ or grandma? 

and it is not political? It resonated with many anyhow.

The one with the remote control got the power. Sad but true. 

söndag 24 april 2016

sometimes words are not enough

Like doves cry or maybe like swans cry

RIP Prince,  rock on in heaven

thanx for Diamonds and Pearls

söndag 27 mars 2016

I am ok, Im o key, I am k

The will and the word ought to make things happen.

Wouldn't it be nice to see Faldors farm in the next TV-series, with Polgara, Old wolf and Garion?

Make that happen. Make that into film. I wish.


Last seen film Valhalla(1986)

It's an anime made by 16000  something drawings with the help of old school Disney Studios

with the danish-born Peter Madsens comic book Valhalla to draw from.

I read those comic books when I was in my first years in school and as I come to think of it,

them books were freshly printed some of them back then. I ran to the library on the during the days

school breaks, to not have to be outdoors with trouble was what I longed for,

no trouble just reading about how Loke fooled Tor, how the kiddies got along with

the Gods in Asgard. And when all comic books was read, heavier books came along ...

Now in this cartoon film there's is a fantastical scene of the figures of the chess game

 being alive

(which film had that first? I've seen it being copied later in Harry Potter?)

as Oden plays with a talking head as opponent(a clip is shown 2:08 in the trailer)

I like then how the great Tor has to challenge the Trolls for to lose against their trickery,

although the story has happy ending of course. It's a weird film sometime and funny as well.

This above is the trailer. A gem for me becoz I have a connection, it brings me back to those carefree

days and at the same time one sees the story differently with oh like 20 + years or something have

passed and I know a bit more about what work that is behind the film 100 people in the studio helped

coloring this handmade work of art and it amazes me that I can go to the library

next week to find a book or two in the saga of Valhalla that I haven´t read yet,

becoz I had forgotten about it, I wondered if this is the first time I saw the full film,

It maybe so as I haven´t heard them speaking Danish before (they were swedish in my head)

Another work Peter Madsen has done is said to be his better which

is to have drawn a tale of Hans Christian Andersen, the story of a mother,

and I'm sure it's beautiful,

though I have to go to Denmark once more to get it. Meanwhile I got the saga on the Youtube and it

sure is something touching about it that goes to all that has a heart about the loss of a child,

a mother's sorrow

Last seen cinema film one week ago: The Danish girl. It's good if you feel like crying for 2h 

that´s the film you will see. How identity, how body and mind can be so different?

Next mission on top of all the others: Make Eddings Belgarion into a Disney stylish Peter Madsen

comic book or something ?

Cheers, Happy Easter holiday- Gla´ påsk

Je suis bruxelles, jesuisLahore, Je suis Paris, Je suis le femme - Bless them as they do not know what they do

söndag 13 mars 2016

Dear die ary - die area - diarrhea?

Hear comes som word blubbering once more feel free to join in.

The art of being an artist is like that an artform in itself

if you do not have any significance

then you are just you

In the mind of a teaching of eastern origin it is so

that we are all one and the same,

You need to be good to yourself first and then in meditation

you take in the one closest to you in the same room as the one most far away,

you set your mind to make those close to you and the opposite meet and greet.

Pick n choose that person that is your worst enemy and put him to into that imagined room

in meditation breathe in, breathe out

make opposite ends meet to make the circle of life by a thread

Stay optimistic, be prepared for anything and reach out when needed

Be nice

Karma is what decides how the future will be, what next life will turn into

so listen carefully to this tune

the Karmapolice by Radiohead

tisdag 5 januari 2016

Oh my another year is gone

2015 so dark it was. in my diary the year began with Charlie Hebdo and the worry for freedom of speech globally. Twitter began #JesuisRaifBadawi soon after for the poor father of small children imprisoned for having blogged freely against an old regime. The year ended better after the climate summit made an agreement on things also in Paris like a month after another attack in Paris. People all over the world  Stars have returned to heaven (anita ekberg) What does Paris matter for me livin in Stockholm then? For the western civilisation it is France which has a lot of history and I was there in Paris 2013 and hope to go visit in the future. All weapons should be banned from earth. Who needs a gun but the hunter? In these days the hunter is overdue because food vegetables are grown in the soil. All vegetarians are set. Thats a future to look into?

In January I returned to Visby for spring in Gotlands Konstskola. We learned about filmmaking, to take a photo, make a 3min film, even some stop motion. Then as it were an exhibition in May we got the time to do our own projects. Alba chose photo, Sofia body painted and photographed the dancers, Elin made a wall full of printmaking screen, some clay figure, aquarelle, a bit of this and that. Elina made three lamp shades with beautiful pattern on silk paper like, Desiree made a puzzle, Gabriel had his nice oil painting, Amanda had her scary short film and there were some thing more on display because we had two rooms at the Gotlands konstmuseum to exhibit. I had my two wooden marionettes named Joe and Dot, the wall of Visby in dry pastell (a painting that still await to be framed in a roll because it got a bit too big for the local frame maker), a 3rd thing I did combo of Percy and Marguerite from TSP and the words "the greatest thing I'll ever know is to love and be loved again" (from the song of Nature boy). Bye to Gotland and Hello Täby.

In the summer I became more involved with Roslagsmålarna, and offered to make their new homepage which is done six months later, with a little help from my friends... by halftime I threw out the first idea and begun with a new, wordpress made it easier
printmaking screen, 3 colors 
This august she begun Printmaking school where she got the opportunity to make her first book "It's handmade with 200 blank white pages, sewn in and glued all by myself." Me like. Many books to come I hope for this year.

So a shortlist for the 2015 in culture for me personally

Happening of the Year: Trip to Barcelona(mom 60y birthday)

Fun fact: Win of ESC 2015: Sweden, Måns Zelmerlöw - Heroes

Song of the year: Sabina Ddumba - Effortless

Film of the Year: Så ock på jorden av Kay Pollack

TV-serie of the year: Jordskott av Henrik Björn

Book of the year: Global Eating Disorder by Gunnar Rundgren(Released dec 2014)

Summing up the year, I've learned lots and hope to someday find that somebody to share it with.
Ballerina, oilpainting, October

Barcelona, May 2015

Printmaking, linoleum, Nov

Cold water, April

Christmas/Julafton, December

Visby, January
Visiting Finland in July
The Fog, Visby, February

making donuts and buttercoffe, August

Marionette ,May (for the exhibition) 

Gotlands konstskola, printmaking, copper ,Mars

the wall in progress, April?
collografi, September

raining, August
Passing through June