söndag 13 mars 2016

Dear die ary - die area - diarrhea?

Hear comes som word blubbering once more feel free to join in.

The art of being an artist is like that an artform in itself

if you do not have any significance

then you are just you

In the mind of a teaching of eastern origin it is so

that we are all one and the same,

You need to be good to yourself first and then in meditation

you take in the one closest to you in the same room as the one most far away,

you set your mind to make those close to you and the opposite meet and greet.

Pick n choose that person that is your worst enemy and put him to into that imagined room

in meditation breathe in, breathe out

make opposite ends meet to make the circle of life by a thread

Stay optimistic, be prepared for anything and reach out when needed

Be nice

Karma is what decides how the future will be, what next life will turn into

so listen carefully to this tune

the Karmapolice by Radiohead

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