torsdag 23 januari 2014

Big Sister program

In the history of time in the ancient Greece there is a story about how women stopped a war going on. The drama/comedy was written by Aristofanes 411 B.C. It's called Lysistrate. The wifes had a sexstrejk(meaning the women stopped pleasuring their husbands). And in frustration the war-headed men stopped the war. 
Now I'm not sure what the joke was. 

I am looking at notes from yesteryear and as I am looking for something to do, like a buisness to make a living of I like the thought of a Big Sister program. It will be about sisterhood then. Because women can do better than be stay at home wifes.
   We are teachers, personal assitent, secretaries, cleaning ladies, Yoga, impretator, hair dressers. Women are mothers, sisters, daughters, diplomats, peace ambassadeurs, Composers, Journalists, Reporters, gardeners, artists, filmmakers, bakers, chefs, nurses, daycare, police, firefighters, doctors. 

I mention all of these professions like each woman has to know how to do all these things to take care of her family, after her fulltime work she comes home and do the cooking and laundry, cleaning if she is this middle class woman living in Sweden. Doubletime, she´s working at home too unpaid business just to get the family happy. Is she happy with that? Do we not need to be good helping sisters in this large village or community on this Earth. Woman/Man and all in between. Were we not all once children?

The Mothers of Ukraine sons went out on the streets to stop the fighting yesterday. The president of their country is on a sick leave now.

We women take care of you men. Be nice to us. Honour your ladies.
Take care of eachother women. Be good sisters to one another.

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